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rated x

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[08 May 2017|10:33am]
a long shot i'm sure but would anyone out there be willing to pb rin nakai or hitomi tanaka for me?
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The Walking Dead Lines [08 May 2017|11:39am]
Anyone interested in a Daryl/Paul(Jesus) line? I'd be willing to pick up either. Additionally I wouldn't mind a Rick/Daryl line as well.
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[08 May 2017|03:05pm]
Looking for some femme fun, aim preferred
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[08 May 2017|03:34pm]
looking for a human or witch for my demoness to wrap around her pretty finger for a scene or two. more if we click but no pressure. femme/het, threading only for now! comments are screened here and in the journal if interested.
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[08 May 2017|06:18pm]
Apparently, a home is impossible, so who's up for a PSL?
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[08 May 2017|08:18pm]
Het seeking someone to play two females. Very dark non-con line. Squicky. Be be prepared for anything
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[08 May 2017|09:50pm]
[info]blackcatmod I am looking for some flings of the male persuasion for Lydia here. She really enjoys having fun and trying new things. She is pretty much 100% against committed relationships because she thinks they're boring (granted she doesn't have much experience with them), so this would be strictly friends with benefits (at least on her end). I am pretty open about age and other character details, so long as they enjoy sex.
PB Suggestions: Jesse Williams, Tobias Sorensen, David Beckham, Eric Dane, Alex Pettyfer, Kyle Harris
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[08 May 2017|09:53pm]
A shot taken blindfolded, in the dark, from eighteen miles away, but... Ben Mendelsohn for a gambler x prostitute line? Open to other scenarios as well.
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[ viewing | May 8th, 2017 ]
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