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[11 Mar 2017|02:14am]
check the journal!
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[11 Mar 2017|03:36am]
customs for daveed?
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[11 Mar 2017|05:34am]
Dom to keep this outspoken girl in her place. Bonus points, if it has supernatural elements.
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[11 Mar 2017|08:07am]
Check the journal, please!
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[11 Mar 2017|09:06am]
Het lines for Em? Yes, you will be treated poorly. But don't act like you don't want it that way.
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[11 Mar 2017|10:13am]
So with some real life drama (family, mass evacuation due to Oroville dam, etc., IJ going down) I got out of the rp game. But now I am wanting back in. I don't have a set idea or ideas, but I am open to anything except slash. I stink at slash. So if interested, you can comment or contact me on aim.

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[11 Mar 2017|10:25am]
[info]secretdirection avengers! and my darling little brother.
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[11 Mar 2017|10:59am]
Looking for a psl. Ideas could be this lovely lady here is pregnant from a guy in a gang. she's the daughter of the mayor or some CEO and of course her family will try to get him out of her life. of course they don't know she's pregnant and her love doesn't know either.

Any takers?
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[11 Mar 2017|01:04pm]
Spring is just around the corner and the doors have opened for another season at the Park. Won't you join us?
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[11 Mar 2017|01:47pm]
Would anyone be willing to play the older guy against my younger girl? I haven't decided on faces yet.
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[11 Mar 2017|02:00pm]
Just cleaned out my friends list. I would love to find a line for my Turkish vampire, preferably opposite a human cop, journalist, or (new) hunter (of supernatural creatures).

My vampire would have taken an interest in your character after your character gets involved in a string of strange (supernatural) murders/ crimes. Basically, a vampire trying to keep his morality and humanity is trying to keep a hapless/ stubborn human from getting his fool self killed. Bonus points for the human eventually discovering he isn't so vanilla human after all.

I’m only looking for slash here and will only write through email/ GDocs or threading. I also have other lines in my journal, but my journal is a bit of a mess right now, so it’s probably hard to navigate at the moment.
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[11 Mar 2017|02:36pm]
Would love to find a line playing the female in a het line. World building, arranged marriage, age gap, unlikely pairings are all welcome and wanted.
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[11 Mar 2017|02:57pm]
Check the journal for ideas, faces, and so on. Especially looking for someone to take on the second and third ideas listed.
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[11 Mar 2017|04:01pm]
Any ladies want to play in a fandom setting where there is some very heavy sexual pollen going around? Partner swapping, cheating, cuckolding, really anything can be on the table. Would adore both of us playing multiple people in a fleshed out world, or having a big crossover somehow that we can discuss in private.

Either way, trying to get some fun fandom smut going on. Check the journal for a few of my favorites! Be wary, the list needs to be heavily updated so ask away about others!
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[11 Mar 2017|04:38pm]
Looking for a Logan/X-23 dynamic, with some tweaks. No blood relation, and she would be legal age. Open to lots of play and negotiation on this.

Also interested in an OC supernatural line involving werewolves.
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[11 Mar 2017|06:02pm]
home? psl?
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[11 Mar 2017|07:19pm]
Can I please get a Dylan O'Brien over at [info]secretdirection Or a Harry Styles please? I'd love to offer lines to either one of you. Also some more teen wolf cast members.
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[11 Mar 2017|07:20pm]
Something long-term, set in either a polygamy sect or an Amish community?
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[11 Mar 2017|08:36pm]
Kind of bored so looking for something/someone to do. Looking for slash, open to most things. Hit me up here or on AIM at KillahKaden with any ideas you might have!
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[11 Mar 2017|09:19pm]
check the journal! looking for some psls and have a few open threads in the journal.
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