A Scandinavian Folklore Community
We Don't Thump The Eddas We Read Them

User: [info]valkyrieofodin
Date: 2008-07-29 12:05
Subject: I Have Noticed
Security: Public
What I'm Feelingcurious curious
Tags:discourse required, input? turning into a news group

That this is becoming rather a bit of a news group with me posting articles and so forth that I find interesting directly off the Heathen News Yahoo Group, I would like to have some input as to what you think(I know we have at least one person watching/who is a member...) Most everything I post is very much Scandinavian/Anglo-Saxon in it's intent/flavor to be sure, but still... There is no discussion going on at all. I would like to see some kind of discourse happen here. Let me know your thoughts. I don't want to be carrying this just as happened the last time on LJ... Obviously the material I am carrying it with is quite different this time around... But still...

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July 2008