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April 6th, 2009 at 3:50am]

Who: Iden & Open To Anyone
What: Kata's.
When: Weds, August 6th, 2003 - late morning.
Where: Small garden in back.
Why: Focusing is good!
Rating: G? (Depends on who joins)
Status: Incomplete

Shifting down into a braced stance one of the shorter members of the crew let out a long breath, expelling all air from her lungs before slowly beginning to steady inhale with one very controlled breath. Shifting her stance the youngest watcher began to seamlessly move through a practiced kata routine which was part of her morning work out. Running this morning seemed like a waste of time, though she had still wanted to move, to feel the magic and poetry of muscles moving in perfect sync with the world around them. This had been the compromise of her mind and body. Standing in a small clearing in the back, working up a sweat through slow, but continuous movement, she’d get a workout and it was unlikely anyone would bother her back here. Iden had to wonder if any of the girls were even familiar with this area as most of them were so busy with… other things… When they weren’t in the training room. The moaning and groaning of Kelsey and Emma on a nightly basis was enough to drive anyone insane. Even though both girls were pretty in their own rights, they were far from Iden’s type, but the energies they threw off, you’d have to be blind, deaf and dumb not to pick up on it. It’d drive anyone insane was the conclusion the witch had come to.

Feeling muscles shift and respond her eyes closed, a smile formed on her lips. It was beautiful back here, so much so she wanted to share it with everyone, but at the same time, if they all knew about it, she wouldn’t be able t come back here whenever she wanted to get away. The debate in her head sunk away as steady movement lulled the woman into a trance like state. It was amazing what moving through slow and perfected kata’s could do to one. When sped up the simple movements would look fierce and powerful, but that was not the practice of this exercise, now was just movement. Breathing remained steady though it became slightly labored as she continued through the movements, the minutes passing her by like a race car moving past a person standing still and Iden was none the wiser of times existence, caught up in only what she did.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. )
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February 23rd, 2009 at 2:18am]

[ mood | aggravated ]

Who: Iden and… ? (Open)
What: Just finishing fixing the training room.
Where: The Hotel.
When: Tuesday, August 4th, 2003 -- Mid-day.
Why: Because some of the slayers busted stuff up again.
Rating: ?? Depends on who joins.
Scene: Fade in.

The whirling noise of the power tool would have been ringing through the techno witchs ears if it wasn’t for the Bose ear buds with their signature black and white twirled cord blasting music of her favorite variety, techno! With the final screw being driven in like a hot knife though butter Iden shifted back adjusting the safety goggles before looking over her work carefully. Grabbing a hold the sides of the board carefully she gave it a tug. Holding soundly the piece of wood didn’t budge one bit and she smiled. Work on things like this always cleared her mind and after the events that happened last week, a nice calm mind clearing activity was exactly what she needed. Flipping the tool power to off the youngest watcher carefully stood and slipped the power drill into her carpenters belt before removing the safety goggles from around the pony tail she had pulled her hair back into. Slipping the goggles into the belt as well she glanced around. With a sigh it was obvious she’d need to clean up the mess. Frowning the techno witch quirked a brow.

“They can wait on their training room until I get back from getting a bite to eat. They need to lean to stop wrecking it every other day anyways.” Grumbling Iden sprawled out a note in large letters across a couple sheets of paper in her notebook. Tromping up the steps she slipped into the kitchen, found a spool of tape and attached the note which read:


With a heavy sigh Iden ducked down an uninhabited hallway and dumped her tool belt in a storage room before dusting her clothes off and heading back into the parlor. Now the question was, where to go for food? Standing in the large room with the bar she debated silently to her self as eyes absently moved over the room and her mind subconsciously noted the aspects that needed to be fixed. Boy Angel sure left this place in shambles.

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January 4th, 2009 at 9:10pm]

[ mood | Tense ]

Who: Iden and Emma.
What: A talk.
Where: The Hyperion – Living room.
When: Weds, July 23rd, 2003 – 4pm
Why: Something’s up.
Rating: PG?
Scene: Fade in.

With a few deep breaths the techno witch tried to check her emotions at her own bedroom door before heading downstairs well before the 4pm meeting time. Earlier in the day she’d slipped a note under Emma’s door asking to meet at 4pm in the living room. This was a talk they needed to have. After looking over the girls file and carefully examining other pieces of information she had managed to find and gather there was a lot to be spoken of with the sensitive empath. Obviously Emma would sense the tension and nervousness no matter what she did, but the last thing the watcher wanted was to bowl over the empath with her own worries and concerns. Realistically that was the last thing either of them needed tonight.

Pacing back and forth over the length of the living room a couple times Iden sighed heavily. How exactly would this conversation go? She still wasn’t sure. Should she just blurt it out? Slowly go through all the facts? Realistically the information gathered on the poor girl was still slim, though the pieces were coming together bit by bit especially with the files that had been obtained by Sylas. Now it was time for the talk, the talk they had all been waiting for. How this all had precisely fallen to her shoulders she still wasn’t sure exactly but things were, where they were now and there was no real other way. Inhaling deeply the witch closed her eyes, a short meditation may be best to help her mind and emotions. Slipping around a couch she sat in the full lotus position and closed her eyes. When Emma arrived she was sure the girl would make her presence know, until then she’d think of other things.

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January 4th, 2009 at 7:22pm]

[ mood | tired ]

Who: Kel and Addie
What: A drink after work.
When: Weds, July 23rd, 2003 – 2:30am
Why: Work is hard.
Where: The flaming scotch
Rating: PG-13?
Scene: Fade In.

Work had kinda sucked tonight after chasing after some scum bucket for the better part of the night to recover some stolen goods she had managed to pounce on top of the guy and had started to extract information from him just to find out the bastard was some weird ass demon thing. Needless to say a knock down drag out fight had occurred and she’d bested the bastard in the end. It was a good fight though, really got her blood pumping and thankfully she’d managed to avoid getting too dirty. Sure she’d gotten a couple cuts here and there but at this point she’d gotten accustomed to bringing a backpack with a change of clothes with her on her nights out at work. Changing out of the bloodied clothing and wiping down her wounds before she got back from work made Emma worry less, since there was less to see and because of this, it was a regular thing now in her daily routine. Between classes, the extra training with Katherine that they’d both been taking a break from lately, work, Emma and whatever else came up lately, she didn’t really have much, if any free time anymore and it was starting to get on her nerves. Though, this was paying for Emma’s car and that was really all that mattered.

Making her way back to the hotel the baby dark slayer sighed heavily. A drink really would make her night and Bianca had told her of a good bar. Glancing around to figure out her location she quickly figured out which way the bar was and headed in its direction. Breaking into a light jog Kel winced but hey it really only was a flesh wound, and besides, the sooner she got her drink, the sooner she could get back to Emma and sleep the new wound off, right? Right.

The bar quickly came into view and she ducked through the open door heading straight for the bar. Bianca had commented that Kel only had to mention Bianca’s name and drinks would be taken care of, as long as Kel didn’t abuse the privilege that was. She’d only get a drink or two tonight and then head home, it’d be simple and there’d be no abuse of the luxury at all. Nodding to the bartender she smirked. “Bianca said it’s on the house.” The bartender paused mid-wiping down a glass and nodded. “Hardest thing you got.” The baby dark slayer responded and the bartender set to getting Kel her choice of poison as her foot tapped against the barstool leg to the beat of the music being played.

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January 4th, 2009 at 6:43pm]

Who: Kel and Az
What: Keeping an eye on property
When: Monday, July 21st, 2003 – 9:30pm
Why: This is Kel’s new job.
Where: The Asperan residence.
Rating: PG-13 to R for suggestive themes, violence and language.
Scene: Fade In.

At this point she had gotten a few assignments with Bianca. All of them had been pretty simple at this point, go over there, keep an eye on that thing, maybe pick up some other thing and then you were done. The money was pretty good so far too and she had been able to pay off a couple hundred dollars on the car and pocket a little cash too since she didn’t have much else income right now. Bianca knew how to pick her jobs and it made Kel quite happy. The plan was simple, keep getting her pay split between car payments and pocket change until she had a good sum of money to rely on and then she’d start putting all her pay earned from Bianca towards the car and keep the money that slaying got her as her play cash. Though this night when Kel had reported for duty Bianca had a different situation in mind and had informed Kelsey that she would be meeting another one of Bianca’s hired hands at the corner of Fourth St. and Jefferton Ave.

Even though Kel was sure this work along with the classes and patrolling of the slay crew was going to run her desperately low on sleep and energy the reaction Emma had, had when she saw the car was well worth it. It would take a while to start getting that run down anyways and the jobs Bianca were providing would quickly add up. A couple jobs a week at the rate of pay Bianca was providing would hopefully mean Kel could have the car paid off pretty quickly actually. If things went the way she planned the car would be paid off in a little more then a year at this rate of a couple jobs a week. After the new instructions had been received Kel had wished Bianca a good night and made her way down to the meeting location she had given.

Rounding a corner Kel’s eyes went wide for a brief second as she recognized the man from a threesome with him and a that pretty blond a few weeks. Was this the dude that Bianca was setting Kel up to work with? Well this was going to be… awkward. Making her way over to the street corner Kel glanced around and not seeing anyone else around she turned to her former threesome partner, not really sure what to say she decided to say the first thing that came to mind. “Hey, funny seeing you here angel boy. You work for Bianca too?” A half smirk curved her lips as she waited for him to respond, eyes dancing at the attempted joke.
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This is the Muff Bomb thread in case you missed it! [Thursday
December 18th, 2008 at 3:53am]

[ mood | calm ]

Who: Sita and whoever else wants to join!
What: Booze, strip poker and much more. (AKA THE MUFF BOMB!)
Where: The Hyperion – Kitchen table.
When: Thursday, June 17th, 2003 – arrival at the hotel at 4pm
Why: Katherine’s not there and it’s time for fun. (Inhibitions need to be dropped!)
Rating: R (Language, nudity, possibly violence?)
Scene: Fade in.

Hex had called her in an almost spastic manner informing the hired hand that Katherine was going to be out of the house for a while and that she should come to visit. With this bit of knowledge the watcher decided that perhaps it was time for her to get to know everyone else in the hotel a bit better then she had been. On her way over to the hotel she had picked up about ten bags of groceries. Six of these bags housed various hard liquors, the other four were filled with snacks and junk food that Sita had seen little of populating the house. It seemed the cook of the house liked to keep things tasty but very healthy, a little kak once in a while wouldn’t kill the girls, ‘ell, in fact it might do them a bit of good. With all the bloody slayers about they had to be burning through calories like crazy. Even one or two of the non-slayers from what she had seen could use to put a few extra pounds on. She’d all ready ordered pizzas to be delivered a bit later.

Pulling up in her classic muscle car the Watcher unfolded her self from the seats, pulling the bags out and making her way up the stairs. Balancing things this way and that she managed to push the door open, making sure the several decks of cards remained hidden in her various pant and jacket pockets, the last thing she needed was someone calling her game. Dumping the various bags in the kitchen she texted her arrival to the munchkin upstairs then set to arranging the table with booze and snacks. It only took a few moments to open bags of cookies, candies, chips and various cans and jars of salsa’s and dips. It was time to have some fun while the old hag was out for the day.

Setting her feet at the bottom of the stairs she hollered up them. “ ‘EY! GIT YOUR BLOODY ARSES DOWN ‘ERE, ‘AVE A DRINK AND EAT THE SODDING FOOD YOU BUNCH OF POOFS.” Not having Katherine around sustainably increased the dom’s mood and the long legged Brit moved back into the kitchen, settling into the head seat on the table as she pulled out a stack of cards and began to shuffle through it, carefully remember the order of the cards so she could effectively stack them later and situating her extra packs so they would be within easier reach range to better her own hand at any given time.

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December 15th, 2008 at 4:23am]

[ mood | amused ]

Who: Kel and Xi’an (Semi-closed: Open to others in that section of the hotel)
What: A taunt, a threat and some fun.
When: Weds, July 9th, 2003
Why: Because Kel doesn’t know how to handle a woman.
Where: Hotel - room
Rating: PG-13 for violence and language
Scene: Fade Out. (Complete)

That little rabid dog bitch had been getting on Xi’an’s nerves quite a bit recently (not that
Xi’an really had to interact with her) and it was about time someone put her in her place. Between the way the dark haired girl had been treating that luscious redheaded woman that seemed to be following her around like a puppy and the constant attitude problem she seemed to always have, the kid needed a lesson. And who better to give it to her then someone who wouldn’t have to worry about taking a beating? Someone who could actually give the beating back to her. Since the thought had occurred to her the dark witch had been eternally entertained by it. It was a plan of genius, two birds with one stone or some shit like that. Of course it didn’t hurt that Xi’an had wanted to get her hands on the shy and fragile redhead since the first time seeing the girl. Fun little emotion lust was, it made her feel all sorts of funny ways.

With a smirk Xi’an leaned back and waited. She had been planning this out carefully for the past few days and she had begun to time the dark haired baby slayer’s patterns to a T. Right around now the little bitch would be making her way down this hallway to her room in order to snag up some little thing or another from her own room before retreating to the redheads that Xi’an so desperately wanted to make wither and moan beneath her fingertips. Just with that thought footsteps began to fall as Xi’an had calculated and a smirk drew up the cynic’s lips as the brunette baby bitch slayer made her way into view from down the hallway. Her tongue played with the toothpick that remained lodged in the side of the dark witch’s mouth as she waited; eyes dancing with trouble and anticipation.

“Fancy seeing you here.” The coy words flirted with the danger that was to come from the witch’s plan. Giving the young dark slayer a moment to respond Xi’an smirked. “I had a few things I wanted to discuss with you; the first being about you and red fucking, huh? She seems pretty sweet on you. Doesn’t seem very nice of you to lead her on like that since, heh, you know, you’re so not a lesbo, right?” Her smirk drew up further as her tongue continued to play with the tooth pick between her lips. “You know, what she needs is a real woman, one that can really please her. Make her scream and moan all night long. Not this little play shit you pretend to do, since you don’t really care for her at all, yea miss bitch?” At this point Xi’an knew she was playing with a full force fireball from a master mage and she wasn’t about to let that stop her. “You know, I could please her like that. Bet one night with me and she’d never look at you again.” She paused for a moment eyeing Kel up and down. “Besides not like you’re really into this whole dyke thing anyways, right? Bet you’re just itching for a good cock fucking.” The final nail had been driven into the coffin and Xi’an waited for the retaliation, internally begging for some good violence so she could put a shock collar on the rabid dog that was Kelsey.

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December 14th, 2008 at 8:18pm]

Who: Belle and Cadence
What: Training
When: Early Evening Sunday, July 6th waxing half moon
Where: Cadence's house
Rating: PG 13
Status: In progress

Belle hopped over the back fence of Cadence's home smoothly. The were crept along the edges of the yard staying out of sight. She needed to see Cadence but she didn't want to frighten her family. Her sensitive nose picked out the scents in the house. It was only her cub and the teacher's daughter. The child smelled of soft powder and laughed so freely it made her heart leap in her chest. A smile spread over the alpha's face before she thought to contain it. It was strange. She'd never liked children before. Creepy little stink machines. So why did this one make her smile?

Carefully peaking around the edge of the window she caught sight of Cadence putting the girl to bed. As the young mother returned Belle revealed herself in the window and motioned her cub to join her outside.
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December 9th, 2008 at 12:28pm]

[ mood | bored ]

Who: Amanda and YOU!
What: Doing something, maybe YOU!
Where: Hyperion
When: Saturday July 12th 14:00
Why: Recruiting all able bodied sexy thangs to put their hands on me!
Rating: Spicy and sweet.
Scene: Start

Feet kicked up on the kitchen table her chair leaned back on two legs the slayer tilted her head back and chugged out of her beer bottle. After emptying the bottle her feet and the chair legs landed on the floor below her, the bottle being smacked down on the table and a satisfied sound spilled forth. There was only so much beer even she could drink before needing to find something else to do. What else was there to do around here? There were plenty of smokin’ hot chicks around to flirt with (as long as their girlfriends weren’t the possessive clingy bitchy type) but even with that, a change was needed. There had been mention of a training room too.

Since arriving she hadn’t checked out the training equipment once. Maybe it was time to give that shit a look. Going down to the room she hopped down the steps and flipped open the door. Eyeing the room the slayer tilted and bobbed her head this way and that as she looked. “Hey not half bad. Guess being a hot chick with super powers pays off when it comes to beatin’ shit up.” Walking out into the middle of the room she turned around on the heels of her feet further checking the place out.

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December 9th, 2008 at 4:55am]

[ mood | tired ]

Who: Tara and Open
What: Cleaning up.
Where: The Kitchen of the hotel.
When: Tuesday, July 7th, 2003 – 9pm
Why: Because Dinner is over and someone needs to clean up.
Rating: ???
Scene: Fade in.

Another dinner had gone well and the blond witch was very happy about that. Every time everyone sat down for a meal Tara silently held her breath in hopes that no one would find something wrong with her cooking. At this point it was a foolish concern after so many meals had gone by, but she still worried regardless. The girls had eaten, enjoying every bite of the stir fry she had fixed and then after dumping their plates had wondered off to their own respective corners of the hotel. If Tara had been the betting sort she’d have guessed Kai went off to study or train, Kelsey and Emma were most likely spending time together, Iden and Sylas had most likely retreated to their own labs, Katherine was burying her self in her paper work, Faith and Buffy were either romping in their room or off patrolling, and everyone else was debatable realistically.

As she finished wiping down the counters a sigh escaped her lips. A hand rested over the cloth on the counter. The dishes has been taken care of and placed to finish in the washer, the left overs (what little there was) had been wrapped up and put in the fridge, the only thing left to do was to figure out what to make for breakfast and dinner tomorrow. Breakfast would be easy, the normal assortment of muffins, pancakes, egg dishes (boiled, fried, scrambled and even a couple large omelets), fruits, bagels, English muffins, toast, French toast, sausage, bacon, hash browns and what ever else happened to come to mind. She had really been getting it down to an art at this point, instead of having to be up at 3 or 4 am to have breakfast ready in it’s full glory by 8 she could commonly sleep in until around 5. Having made a great deal of batter and frozen it saved tremendous amounts of time instead of making each batch from scratch each morning. Making a few very large batches a week made things much easier. Picking the cloth up she tossed it in the sink with another sigh and eyes turned to the freezer, it was time to figure out what to make for dinner tomorrow night.

Somehow the normal joy she took from taking care of the girls had left her tonight as the blond witch made her way over to the freezer. Maybe the past month of this was really starting to wear her down. Perhaps a vacation would be nice? Padding softly over to the Freeze Tara pulled it open and begin to let her eyes search over the contents of the box, trying to figure out what to do next.

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December 9th, 2008 at 4:53am]

[ mood | ecstatic ]

Who: Ash and Open
What: Out to get a new guitar!
Where: Local music shop!
When: Sunday, July 6th, 2003 – 3pm
Why: The band needs a sound upgrade!
Rating: ???
Scene: Fade in.

With a bounce in his step the lithe demon boy nearly pranced the whole way down to his favorite music store. Thankfully his band had managed to pull together enough paying gigs recently that they were starting to bring in some pretty decent scratch. Ash had managed to pull together enough money in the past months so that he could finally afford a guitar he had been eyeing for years. This wasn’t just any electric guitar either, it was an investment in his future as a musician, A black and white left-handed Fender American deluxe strat. One of the guitars of the Gods. It was something he had admired every day he had walked by the store, dreaming of the day he could have one of his own. How many days had he bothered the store owner to play test the guitar? Ash had lost count at this point but the owner of the store had obliged with a smile on most days, though it was obvious that sometimes the owner had been slightly annoyed by the starry-eyed boy drooling over the nearly two-thousand dollar guitar. Though today, three years after he had started admiring the amazingly beautiful piece of heaven on earth, he could finally hand the old man the money and take the closest thing to heaven a little demon like him self would ever see.

Eyes wondered over the building for a moment as a bright smile lit his face. Today felt like the first day of the rest of his life. Admiring the guitar in the window as he had done so many times before Ash’s grin grew. Today wouldn’t just be admiration of the fine guitar, today he’d be able to walk home with it and it filled his heart with joy. Taking a step forward he pulled open the door which announced his entering with the ringing of a bell.

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December 9th, 2008 at 4:52am]

[ mood | frustrated ]

Who: Iden and Open
What: Getting out for a bite to eat!
Where: Ray’s House of Home cooking.
When: Thursday, July 10th, 2003 – 5pm
Why: Comfort Food is required.
Rating: G, maybe PG?
Scene: Fade in.

A break was needed from work and honestly, getting out of the hotel seemed like the best medicine. After the interaction with Sylas and the interruption from Katherine that had occurred there had been very little venturing from her room and lab other then for food and the occasional jog. Thankfully the project they had talked about was nearly finished now, she had even begun enchanting some in small batches as to not bother any one, though realistically that wasn’t going to cut it and she knew it. The techno witch was going to have to go to Xi’an, Sylas and Katherine soon and she knew it but… for now, comfort food was required. Taking a quick shower and slipping into a comfortable jeans and t-shirt combination the techno witch bounded down the stairs with a bright smile on her face before slipping out back to her bike. Straddling the machine and putting on her helmet the newest watcher leaned in, starting her bike and taking off.

The ride brought a sense of freedom that she hadn’t felt in some time since arriving at the slayer hotel. It was entirely refreshing in it’s own manner. When arriving at the mall which the restaurant was located in she put the helmet back into a side cargo bin on the bike and smiled, slowly inhaling so that air filled her lungs. Letting all the air out in one deep exhale the signature sweet smile spread across her face before she twirled the bike keys around one finger and headed into the complex in which the restaurant was located.

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December 9th, 2008 at 4:48am]

[ mood | cynical ]

Who: Sita and Open.
What: Coffee Break.
Where: The planet – local coffee shop.
When: Wednesday, July 9th, 2003 – 10am
Why: Bloody yank’s don’t know ‘ow to make a cup but this place isn’t terrible.
Rating: ???
Scene: Fade In.

Bloody wankers were full of kak lately. First off sending her after the little girl that seemed to have a small army after her, yet, that was to be expected, wasn’t it? Flipping the paper open her eyes scanned over the articles available for viewing that morning. It was more of the same death, destruction and depressing bollocks that the papers contained every morning, noon and night. News really only meant reporting the bull hockey of the normal person’s life to scare people into thinking the world was full of horrors. If only they knew the truth most of them would lock and board up their windows and doors and never come out until dusk or dawn was far under hand.

The waitress slipped up next to the table were the hired hand sat and gingerly placed her coffee on the table in front of her. Giving the poor thing a smile eyes roamed. The girl was pretty, nothing wrong in admiring that. Though thoughts seemed to continuously travel back to the dimpled little girl she had saved from wondered aimlessly into who knows what sort of bloody monsters arms. The girl asked if Sita required anything further and with a shake of her head the watcher dismissed the girl off to her other duties. Leaning back in her seat Sita attempted to look for the silver lining there had to be in the paper but seemed to find nothing but failure. Folding the paper and tossing it on the table eyes searched around for any form of distraction that might offer it self to the restless dark haired Brit.

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December 9th, 2008 at 4:45am]

[ mood | restless ]

Who: Kelsey and Open
What: A run.
Where: Heading out of the hotel.
When: Tuesday, July 8th, 2003 – 4pm
Why: To focus on something else.
Rating: ???
Scene: Fade in.

So much had been going on. It was really fucking out there. Then again those thoughts were way fucking repetitive and it was making the baby dark slayer sick of being inside her own skull. In combat class she was only allowed to play with Faith and it was depressing, Kel had been dying to get her hands on someone else to see how each person fought in the group, but Faith kept commenting on how Kelsey would wreck most of the others in the hotel so if she ever wanted to get any better she had to keep sparing with Faith. It was annoying. With annoyance swimming around in her head Kel had excused her self from Emma with a kiss and retreated to her own room to change. Slipping into a pair of shorts and a t-shirt the baby slayer pulled on a pair of running sneakers she had picked up thanks to her first weeks pay at her new job. It was time to go for a run but not just any sort of wimpy pansy ass bullshit like the morning runners did. Too bad there weren’t any witch stores around here she could pull her old tricks at, that would really get the blood flowing. Trotting down stairs she glanced around before exhaling deeply and heading for the exit to the hotel to begin her run. Maybe if she was lucky, she’d run into some trouble while she was out and would finally be able to scratch that itch she’d been starting to get for a good fight.

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December 2nd, 2008 at 5:26pm]

Who: Kat & Syd
What: Parkour
When: Sunday, July 6, 2003 early
Where: The Hotel
Rating: PG
Status: In Progress

Katherine stood in the center of the lobby letting her legs slide out to the side until the lie flat on the cool tile floor. Reaching to one side and then the other she pressed her torso flat against her legs stretching out her body. Back to center focused determination hardened her features. Breath was drawn in slowly as fists on hips she squeezed her legs back together raising herself with the power in her thighs.

While the rest were sleeping )
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