Jul. 6th, 2008


Prompt - First Time

Title: Brother and Sister (Part 3)
Author: [info]foreverbm
Timeline: Season 5
A/N: Part of a Hunter and JR series for this prompt. This turned into a ficlet of 438 words.

Brother and Sister )

Jul. 5th, 2008


Prompt: First Time

Title: Brother and Sister
Author: [info]foreverbm
Timeline: Season 5
Characters: Ben/Michael/Hunter/JR
A/N: The first time Hunter and JR interact. Would have liked to have seen more about this on the show :)

Michael heard JR crying for the third time that night and started to get out of bed but Ben reached out stopping him.
“Stay there, I’ll see to her.”
“Thanks.” Michael replied, snuggling back under the covers.
Ben grabbed his robe and headed downstairs to heat her bottle, hoping that would settle her for the night.
By the time it was ready her crying had stopped and he pushed open her door quietly.
Hunter was sitting in the chair, JR in his arms, sound asleep.
He crept away silently, a smile on his face. He couldn’t wait to tell Michael.

Jul. 4th, 2008


Prompt: First Time

Title: Do you believe in love at first sight
Author: [info]foreverbm
Words: 350
Genre: General
A/N: I actually wrote this for my Michael Musing's challenge, but thought and hope it fitted the prompt so am taking the liberty of posting it.

Do you believe in love at first sight )

Jun. 29th, 2008


Phone Calls

This started out as a drabble for [info]kata_ny but somehow I got slightly carried away.

Title: Getting Smarter
Author: [info]foreverbm
Characters: Michael and Hunter
Words: 342

Getting Smarter )

Jun. 27th, 2008


Drabble for the Prompt Phone Calls

Title: Late Night Call
Author: [info]foreverbm
Timeline: Future
Warning: Angst
Characters: Brian and Michael

The ringing of the phone finally penetrated Brian’s mind He opened his eyes, stretching as he sat up on the couch.
He’d spent the day with Michael, leaving him with the promise he’d be back in two hours. He glanced at the clock. 2am. Fuck. He hadn’t meant to fall asleep.
He took a deep breath before flipping open his phone.
“Brian.” The heartbreak in Michael’s voice shook him to the core.
“I’m coming Mikey.”
He stood, reaching for the bottle of Beam, pouring himself a drink before throwing the empty glass at the wall and left the loft.

Jun. 26th, 2008


Drabble for prompt phone calls

Title: Midnight caller
Timeline: In the HMC universe
Characters: Melanie, Michael, JR


“Mel? It’s Michael...”

“Michael, what the fuck...is JR OK?”

“Er, well, she’s been a little sick.”

“A little sick?”

“She’s thrown up a few times, and now she’s really cranky and we can’t get her to sleep.”

“What have you been doing to her?”

“Er, we went to the fairground, and you know that spinny thing they have, the one that goes round really fast?...”

Mel stifled a giggle.

“OK, put her on the phone.”

She could hear JR whimpering and began to sing to her. A few minutes later everything was quiet.

“Thanks,” Michael whispered.

“Goodnight Michael!”

Jun. 23rd, 2008


drabble - prompt 'flying'

Title: Not Fun Flying
Author: [info]foreverbm
Characters: Michael and Jenny Rebecca

JR screamed from the moment they boarded the plane. Nothing Michael did calmed her. He saw the glares of annoyance from passengers but ignored them as he jiggled his daughter on his knee.
The sympathy he’d first received from the air hostess was now wearing thin. He just wanted the plane to land.
Finally it did and he grabbed their bags, getting off as quickly as possible; her cries continuing.
They walked through the gate and JR’s tears stopped instantly when she saw Ben.
“Uncle Ben!” she yelled in glee.
Michael knew next time Ben would be coming with them.

Jun. 15th, 2008



For Fathers' Day, and incorporating the rain prompt:

The rain fell in Pittsburgh on Fathers' day, but some Fathers didn’t mind. Being with their children was precious whatever the weather.

Brian was running around  the loft, desperately trying to stop Gus from destroying yet another expensive item of furniture, whilst Justin sat watching them with a wry grin on his face.

Michael was cradling JR, she was teething and hard to pacify but he loved every single minute of it.

Ben and Hunter were out in the rain, sharing a special time together.

The Fathers' all shared one thought, that they would do anything to protect their children.