Jul. 7th, 2008


Prompt: First Time

Title: Brother and Sister (5)
Author: [info]foreverbm
Words: 780
A/N: This one is slighty different, JR is 15 and Hunter 32, but it still comes under the prompt I believe. I'm just not sure if I got a 32 year old Hunter right or not.

Brother and Sister (5) )
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Prompt: First Time

Title: Brother and Sister (4)
Author: [info]foreverbm
Words: 338
A/N: Part of my Hunter and JR series

Brother and Sister (4) )
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Jul. 6th, 2008


Prompt - First Time

Title: Brother and Sister (Part 3)
Author: [info]foreverbm
Timeline: Season 5
A/N: Part of a Hunter and JR series for this prompt. This turned into a ficlet of 438 words.

Brother and Sister )

Jul. 5th, 2008


Prompt: First Time

Title: Big Brother
Author: [info]foreverbm
Timeline: Season 5
Characters: Hunter and JR
A/N: Another in my 'first time' Hunter and JR series, as requested by [info]kata_ny. Hope you like it.

Hunter looked up from the TV when he heard JR’s cries. Michael had promised she would stay asleep as he ran out the door, yelling he would only be five minutes.
He stood and walked upstairs and into her room. Her chubby little legs were kicking at the blankets and her eyes brimming with tears.
Shit. He tentatively picked her up, amazed when she instantly stopped crying.
“Don’t like being alone huh kid!” he said as he carried her downstairs sitting her on his lap.
“See that’s a zombie!” he said pointing at the TV. He was sure she giggled
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Prompt: First Time

Title: Brother and Sister
Author: [info]foreverbm
Timeline: Season 5
Characters: Ben/Michael/Hunter/JR
A/N: The first time Hunter and JR interact. Would have liked to have seen more about this on the show :)

Michael heard JR crying for the third time that night and started to get out of bed but Ben reached out stopping him.
“Stay there, I’ll see to her.”
“Thanks.” Michael replied, snuggling back under the covers.
Ben grabbed his robe and headed downstairs to heat her bottle, hoping that would settle her for the night.
By the time it was ready her crying had stopped and he pushed open her door quietly.
Hunter was sitting in the chair, JR in his arms, sound asleep.
He crept away silently, a smile on his face. He couldn’t wait to tell Michael.