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Queer Women

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Another intro [Dec. 13th, 2007|10:52 am]
[mood | blah]
[music |Nine Inch Nails - "Me, I'm Not"]

My name's Katie and I'm the mod's partner. >.< (We're just all one big happy famb dambly around here, aren't we?) I'm 32 and I live in Illinois with my partner of over two years along with our dog, Tasha. I am currently employed as an administrative assistant in an LGBT-ministered Christian church, which is odd seeing as I practice Wicca. But my life is full of oxymorons or contradictions like that.

I like fantasy (Piers Anthony), horror (Stephen King... and J-Horror movies) and the just plain weird (i.e. Neil Gaiman, Aphex Twin, The Orb and any other amount of things I show interest in). I don't write in my journal to entertain others (that's what I create my music for); I mostly write to vent and let out my thoughts and feelings when I'm in the mood to.

I identify as "queer" - not lesbian, not bisexual, not confused. I also happen to have gone through transition from male to female, but my romantic interest in other women is still alive & well as you can tell.

So that's me! ^_^
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Welcome! (Intro Thread) [Dec. 11th, 2007|09:17 pm]


Welcome to the queer women asylum. Please feel free to introduce yourself.

So I guess I'll start...

I'm Allison and I'm your mod here. I'm 27 and I live in Illinois with my partner of over two years along with our dog, Tasha. I'm a legal secretary and work in downtown St. Louis. I've been out to a certain extent for about three years. I'm a big geek when it comes to movies, tv shows, video games and the Internet.

Amd I'm not spectacular at introducing myself. Hopefully you all will do a better job of introducing yourself.

Also if there's any discussions or anything you think could be of interest, post away. Let's get this community going.
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