Queer Rage - May 9th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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May 9th, 2008

today is "get out of my ____" day, apparently [May. 9th, 2008|01:54 pm]


[Tags|, ]
[Current Mood | aggravated]
[Current Music |Bruce Springsteen - Back In Your Arms]

Dear reporter:

I see you're writing an article about transgender children. An actually balanced one, even, which shows how transkids respond to being pressured to conform and how they respond to being supported -- well done there. However, I can't help noticing that throughout the story of a little girl whose family and friends are supporting her and respecting her identity, you not only persist in calling her "him" but also make a point of reminding us that "he" is "his" parents' "son." How is it that you apparently researched transpeople, listened to explanations of why supporting them is good, and wrote a sympathetic article without getting the basic notion of respecting the transperson's identity? She wants to use female pronouns and descriptors, it's easier to use the same words that everyone you're talking to about her is using -- why do you insist on ignoring her wishes?

Dear silly lesbians:

Being bisexual does not make a woman:

-An STD risk. Female-to-female sexual transmission is so unusual that I couldn't even find statistics about how unusual it is. You will not get AIDS if you sleep with a bisexual woman. Honestly. (Anyway, a lot of gay women slept with men in the past. Are you really going to limit yourself to women who've only ever done it with women? Because I pity your odds.)
-Promiscuous. There are bisexual people who are promiscuous and there are bisexual people who are poly, but I'm pretty sure that the percentage of bisexuals who are one or both of these is no higher than the percentage of gay or straight people who are. Yes, bisexual people can hypothetically be attracted to twice as many people as gay/straight ones can -- but attraction != sex, and in any case a wider pool also means the ability to be pickier.
-More likely to dump you than a gay woman. All right, statistically bisexual women might be more likely to end up with men than with women -- I don't have the data to say if this is so -- but I don't hear you shrieking about how you'd never date someone of another race/faith because of the statistical odds of success being lower. (If you are, well, I really have nothing to say to that.) At any rate, the odds of a given relationship working out are much more influenced by the specific individuals' personalities and general compatibility. If you're dumped by a bisexual woman, it'll be because you're insecure and jealous, not because you're female.

Also, bisexuals exist. I will provide the scientific data to back this up if you don't believe me.

It's not that I mind having reduced competition for the attractive bi girls, but come on!
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