09 October 2009 @ 06:23 pm
QAF Fandom InsaneJournal News -- 10/09/09  
Hi, everyone!

Welcome to the latest update on the QAF universe. [info]xie_xie_xie is taking a little break from the newsletter, but I'll do my best to step into her exquisite shoes.

Here's a taste of what's going on right now....

Firstly, [info]qaf_comingout is a good starting point for anyone new to QAF fandom or to IJ, and from there you can explore the many amazing QAF asylums. Fandom anniversaries are also celebrated there, so don't forget to check back!

Coming soon, [info]qaf_marathons will be hosting marathon sessions especially aimed at those on the European side of the pond (but of course, open to all). Keep an eye open for updates!
icon by qafmaniac
September's prompt was Moving, come see the fics, or maybe you'll be tempted by the latest prompt Britin

Icons and Graphics! The latest challenge theme at [info]qaf_icons is #35 the color blue (blue clothing, blue lighting, blue textures...are you tempted yet?) - or try your hand at the anonymous icon competion there. Voting for anonymous challenge #34 is currently under way. And [info]michira_70's couples icons should have something for everybody - look out for bonus couple #37!

And if that doesn't satisfy your need for more icons, try [info]iconics and see the icons other fans recommend.

icon by in-ahaze
[info]teh_daily_love hosted our favourite caps of love and [info]qaf_art_dept has wallpapers and headers to drool over.

Upcoming challenges: Firstly, [info]qaf_challenges, where the theme is weather. Snowed in at Britin? A hot beach vacation??? The closing date for entries is October 31st, and more details of the challenge are here. Secondly, [info]qaf_scavenger's Fall Contest is in progress, entries are due on October 28th. icon by michira-70

Anyone for some [info]qaf_crackfic? [info]dottie_jane has been posting a doggie-verse that will have you cleaning your monitor ;) And most recently, a Ted/Blake cat-fic too.

How about the latest meme - comment fic? Click below the banner for more details.....

The Brian Kinney Comment Fic Meme. Click to play!

[info]qaf_coffeeclub still has the greatest discussions: from the disappearance of Brian's shell bracelet, to Romantical Brian, with a side of Emmett's fashion sense!
icon by pfodge
Fic recs:
's got 'em! Recently mentioned in despatches - "Ding Dong the Witch is Dead" by jane2005, "Everyone Needs a Little Boost Sometimes" by demented_queen and testdog65's "What it's Like".

There's always good reading matter at
[info]_love_qaf_fic. The theme for challenge #135 at [info]qaf_drabbles was song lyrics, and what a treat we had with a wide range of entries. Next up, the theme for challenge #136 is Emmett.

Graphics in this issue: BK meme banner by [info]florida_minxie; Justin painting by [info]qafmaniac; Brian and Justin by [info]in_ahaze; Happy Halloween and Rodney & Vic by [info]michira_70; Hunter by [info]pfodge.

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Britin[info]_alicesprings on October 9th, 2009 09:34 pm (UTC)
Yay, I'm glad to see this again! Also, there be recs here
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[info]nerilka24 on October 9th, 2009 09:40 pm (UTC)
Thank you! I knew I would miss something important, my apologies.
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Britin[info]_alicesprings on October 9th, 2009 09:40 pm (UTC)
No worries, thank YOU!
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happier_bunny: b/j 118 proud[info]happier_bunny on October 10th, 2009 12:20 am (UTC)
NICE job. :D
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[info]nerilka24 on October 10th, 2009 05:29 am (UTC)
Thank you - I'm grateful to [info]besamislabios who beta'd for me :D
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xie_xie_xie[info]xie_xie_xie on October 10th, 2009 12:33 am (UTC)
Fantastic job and THANK YOU for picking up this newsletter!!!! You rock!
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[info]nerilka24 on October 10th, 2009 05:32 am (UTC)
You're very welcome, and I'm squeeing that you wrote fic!
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