May. 20th, 2008


late weekly update

Aiden( open)
Maeve (open/journal entry)
Victoria (closed/journal entry)

Again, is I missed you or posted your entry incorrectly comment and let me know!

Also: Comment with what days and times (please translate into EST as I am kinda slow) would be good for you to have a group rp so hopefully we can organize something.

Apr. 24th, 2008


Hey There! :)

Name: Emily
Character Name & Journal: Maeve Hilton [info]magimaeve
House: Hufflepuff
Link to Character Sheet: Here you go!
Contact Information: magimaeve @ AIM /

Mar. 22nd, 2008


What's happenin'


In 2008 it has been ten years since the battle at Hogwarts and there is a whole new group at Hogwarts. Minerva McGonagall is headmistress, Aurora Sinistra is head of Gryffindor house, Pomona Sprout is still head of Hufflepuff house, Filius Flitwick is head of Ravenclaw, and Horace Slughorn is head of Slytherin house.

details )

timeline )