16 October 2011 @ 09:22 am
B/J vid: Chiquitita  
A B/J vid to the song Chiquitita by Abba.

Download wmv file here

Download mp4 file here
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later2nite: hey stud[info]later2nite on October 19th, 2013 03:43 am (UTC)
Hi, Tita,

I was just cruising through your amazing vids to watch my favorite ones and found this beautiful work of art. You've really outdone yourself with this one. It's perfect.

It just so happens that I wrote a fic called "Truth" for techgirl's bday about this very subject, and I was wondering if you'd give me permission to post this vid at the bottom of it as sort of a companion piece to go with it. Of course I'd credit you with making it in bold type - lest anyone mistake it for being made by me. (I have zero vid-making skilz and wouldn't know the 1st place to start.)

Anyway, if you like this idea, you can let me know. I'll completely understand if you'd rather not give consent.

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qafmaniac: B/J 204 Pride Dance[info]qafmaniac on October 20th, 2013 04:03 pm (UTC)
Sorry for not getting back to you right away but IJ is holding my notifs hostage and I found your comment 10 secs ago totally by accident. :/

Yes, you can post it!
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later2nite: pride[info]later2nite on October 20th, 2013 05:04 pm (UTC)
Oh, thank you so much!

It's uncanny how perfectly this vid goes with the fic, the Pride dance in the street and the prom dance featured as main themes in both of them.

Here's the link if you'd like to see how I added your vid at the end of it:


*Hugs you to pieces*

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(Anonymous) on June 21st, 2014 02:57 am (UTC)
That was great!
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