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Retreading the Best of Brian and Justin Fanfic

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REUNION FICS [Nov. 11th, 2007|01:34 am]

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I love love love reunion fics. When I think of my favourite fics, a lot of them are reunion fics. I'm not sure why. What do you like about reunion fics? What is it about them that makes them so damn good? Xie, you are excused from this question.

I was going to rec rhi's, but I just realised we haven't yet retreaded (here on IJ) my most favourite fic EVER - Subject to Change, so I'm going to do it and some of my other faves too.

I hope you enjoy them. Leave the authors some feedback!

Subject to Change by LJ's soundczech

Forever Changes Everything by LJ's rhiannonhero

A Matter of Time by LJ's visitingagain (aka JustVisiting)

And a past retread, another of my very, very favourites Divergence.
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