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Cha-cha Prompt [Apr. 22nd, 2009|11:53 pm]

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Title: The Dance Redux

A/N: I'm not sure what to call this because it's too short to be a drabble or anything else really. Stream of consciousness thingy?? Who the hell knows? Anyway, apparently this is what I see in the beloved cha-cha dancein 309. My thanks for the inspiring picture.

Lights flashing. Glitter cascading. Bodies grinding. Bossa nova beat thumping.

All I sense is him.

Blue eyes smiling. Head tossing. Lips nuzzling. Fingers stroking.

All I feel is him.

Locking glances. Emotions roiling. Hope returning. Promises spoken.

All I want is him.

Second chances. Gray skies clearing. Miracles happening. Love still unspoken.

All I need is him.

The room is spinning. My heart is racing. My pulse is throbbing. “Hold me tight” he whispers.

He is my everything.
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For the 'Cha-cha' prompt [Apr. 21st, 2009|10:55 pm]
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Here's 3 drabbles for the Cha-cha prompt. This was originally posted in [info]qaf_drabbles. Enjoy!

cha cha )
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Just Them, by Xie [Apr. 5th, 2009|06:23 pm]

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[info]vl_redreign made me do this. Her cha-cha dance prompt is here.

This is just a ficlet from Michael's POV. 309. Not beta'd. For Red.

Just Them, by Xie... )
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