QAF Pets - New QAF pet stories! [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Queer as Folk didn't have enough pets. We want to fix that.

New QAF pet stories! [Mar. 8th, 2009|09:25 pm]
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Dear everyone,

Although I was not able to get xie_xie_xie (not her real name) to type for me write a story for the new challenge, I did write a drabble for it although it is anonymous. And also, two people wrote beautiful stories of the love that had puppies in them!

I'm very happy that these stories were written. I think actual humans wrote them which must be very convenient because if you have fingers you can type for yourself.

Anyway, one story is called "Hap," which is about a nice dog named Happy and it has no air conditioning angst!

And the other story is called "The Dog Days of Summer" and it has a dog biting Justin angst and veterinarian angst, but in the end everything is happy again and this dog is named Chivas Regal!

I would say I don't know who wrote them except I do because, as you know, I can read xie_xie_xie's mind (that is partly how I know that's not her real name), but I won't tell you because that would be against the rules and I am obedience trained.

Please read the stories and thank the authors for writing such beautiful stories about pets!


The Dog Days of Summer



[User Picture]From: [info]fun_demented
2009-03-09 12:12 am (UTC)


Greetings, Rebel. Your drabble was eloquently written and certainly left the reader very intrigued as to what would happen next. Also very hopeful, because we know Justin is a lover of all companion animals and is exceptionally resourceful. It's a good thing Justin is so observant to begin with, as to spot your fellow K9 huddled in only a sliver of disappearing shade on such a dangerously hot day. Thank you for your very important contribution to this challenge.
[User Picture]From: [info]xie_xie_xie
2009-03-09 12:37 pm (UTC)


Rebel has asked me to issue a statement on his behalf that he can neither confirm nor deny that he is the author of the drabble you reference, as they're anonymous.

He does, however, concur with your analysis of Justin.
[User Picture]From: [info]fun_demented
2009-03-09 03:59 pm (UTC)


Please offer my apologies to dear Rebel for possibly misrepresenting him. I take full responsibility for any misunderstandings and misinterpretations that might arise, resulting from this.