23 September 2007 @ 11:28 pm
Welcome to [info]qaf_icons!  
This is a place to post Queer as Folk icons.
Anyone can join and post, this is not an elite community.

I encourage everyone to repost their icons here.
Let's bring teh love in 100x100px to Insane Journal.

Please be courteous and follow the rules.


- Post directly in this asylum, or link to your own journal.
- All links must lead to public posts or they will be deleted.
- Only post icons related to Queer as Folk.
- Do not post more than three (3) icons outside a cut.
- Do not disable comments on your posts in the asylum.
- Do not post headers/banners or wallpapers in the asylum.
[x] Post other graphics to [info]qaf_art_dept.
[x] If you're linking to an outside post, it may contain headers or wallpapers.
- Use tags. It makes searching easier. Use your username.
- Do not advertise other asylums.

- Respect other iconmakers’ rules and work.
- Credit the iconmaker. Do not hotlink.
- No bashing inside the community.
- There is an official Request post. Use it.

- Pimping iconmakers and their icons is allowed, as long as you:
. State clearly who the maker is.
. Post a few of examples of his/her work (only 3 icons outside a cut).
. Provide a link to his/her journal.
[x] Icon theft will not be tolerated.

If you have any questions, suggestions or complaints, voice them here.
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