Queer as Folk Drabbles - September 12th, 2012 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Because Sometimes 100 Words is Enough

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September 12th, 2012

Round Robin Drabble #27 [Sep. 12th, 2012|07:38 am]
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TITLE: He Knows



DRABBLE NUMBER: 27, follows Fuck


But he can’t ignore it forever.

“What,” he snaps in greeting when he finally answers, with Justin sprawling across his chest and the sweat between them just beginning to cool.

Then he listens and does his best not to tense, inadvertently alerting Justin that something is wrong, but Justin’s head pops up and their eyes meet.

Brian doesn’t have to say a word; Justin knows.

Hanging up with a sigh, he begins trailing his fingers through Justin’s too-long hair again and again.

Justin sighs in contentment and buries his face against Brian’s neck.

“So.” His voice is muffled. “Vacation’s over?”

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