Queer as Folk Drabbles - September 9th, 2012 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Because Sometimes 100 Words is Enough

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September 9th, 2012

Round Robin Drabble 23 [Sep. 9th, 2012|12:13 am]


Title: Fall to Pieces
Author: britin1729
Drabble Number: 23 Follows Flutter
Condom: Brian

Justin closed his eyes for a moment, and Brian fought the urge to shake him and make him open them again, afraid that if he lost Justin just for a second, he'd never get him back.

"What happened? I only remember pieces..." Justin muttered. He opened his eyes. "You were shot—"

"My shoulder. I'm fine."

"And the others?"

"All fine." Brian squeezed Justin's hand. Cleared his throat. "You scared the hell out of me."

Justin gave a small, pained smiled and allowed his eyes to close again. "Tell me you're not going to freak out and buy me another house."
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