Queer as Folk Drabbles - August 22nd, 2012 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Because Sometimes 100 Words is Enough

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August 22nd, 2012

We Interrupt this program... [Aug. 22nd, 2012|10:39 pm]


I apologize for the interruption but we've had a complete of of people drop out so I'm doing an updated list.

It will be up shortly!
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UPDATED ROUND ROBIN LIST [Aug. 22nd, 2012|10:52 pm]


Challenge #212: Round Robin

Updated List

1. xie_xie_xie
2. jule1122
3. sangwin
4. frantic_quest
5. frantic_quest
6. noteverything
7. jugurl2012
8. jule1122
9. moonbrightnites
10. britin1729
11. mander3_swish
12. jule1122
13. happier_bunny
14. sangwin
15. noteverything
16. jugurl2012
17. moonbrightnites
18. jule1122
19. jule1122
21. britin1729
22. sangwin
23. frantic_quest
24. fun_demented
25. jugurl2012
26. mander3_swish
27. britin1729
28. frantic_quest
29. happier_bunny
30. sangwin
31. moonbrightnites
32. frantic_quest
33. jugurl2012
34. mander3_swish
35. britin1729
36. xie_xie_xie
37. xie_xie_xie
38. jule1122
39. moonbrightnites
40. jugurl2012
41. sangwin
42. britin1729
43. frantic_quest
44. moonbrightnites
45. frantic_quest
46. xie_xie_xie
47. jule1122
48. frantic_quest
49. jule1122

Sorry guys! Had to do this on my iPad. Best I could do for tonight.
Questions? Ask Away! HAPPY DRABBLING!

ps i apologize for the lateness of this post. i lost the first one i did and had to start all over.
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Round Robin drabble 6 [Aug. 22nd, 2012|11:22 pm]
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Title: 10 Years
Author: jugurl2012
Drabble Numbers: 6 follows Reminisce
Condom: Justin

Debbie smiled, wiping the silent tears. “I’m fine. I’m fine. It’s just… it’s been 10 years… since…” Debbie couldn’t finish, feeling too choked up.

Justin, bless his heart, understood and bestowed a firm hug on his surrogate mother, someone who was there when his birth mother couldn’t be. “I know Deb. We all miss him.”

Debbie looked around, seeing Brian a bit separated from everyone else and she pointed him out to the artist, watching with a sad smile as he took the hint.

Debbie looked at her own significant other and the pairs around the diner before manning up.
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