Queer as Folk Drabbles - August 4th, 2012 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Because Sometimes 100 Words is Enough

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August 4th, 2012

Challenge #211: Heat Wave [Aug. 4th, 2012|01:38 pm]


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Title: Pretend 
Condom: The diner

When Justin and Daphne were kids, they spent every summer together. They hung out at the pool most days, enjoying the water's respite from the heat as well as the escape from school and all the shit that came along with it.

In middle school, their parents made innocent quips about the two of them getting married someday. In high school, most people were convinced they were dating.

From the beginning, though neither acknowledged it, both knew it would never happen. Justin pretended not to notice the cute boys in his class, and Daphne pretended not to notice him noticing.

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Challenge #211: Heat Wave [Aug. 4th, 2012|09:09 pm]
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Title: Just Like Old Times
Condom: Babylon

“So how was it?” Daphne asked, kicking her feet and splashing Justin.

“Amazing,” Justin gushed. “I thought I knew what to expect, but it was even better than I imagined.”

“Waxing poetic about my sexual prowess again?” Brian stepped onto the patio, handing each of them a beer before joining them at the edge of the pool.

“No,” Daphne laughed. “He was telling me about his solo show. I can’t believe I missed it.”

“There’ll be others,” Brian said with a dismissive certainty. “Justin’s becoming quite the famous artiste.”

“Thank you, dear,” Justin teased, resting his head on Brian’s shoulder.
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