Queer as Folk Drabbles - August 2nd, 2012 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Because Sometimes 100 Words is Enough

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August 2nd, 2012

Challenge #211: Heat Wave [Aug. 2nd, 2012|05:05 pm]
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Title: Storm Front
Condom: The Diner

Ben sat on the porch swing, watching the storm roll in, the rain and wind finally taking the edge off the stifling heat and humidity. Dark, almost purple clouds, gathered in the distance. Ben couldn’t hear the thunder yet, but streaks of lightening flashed in the sky. It was beautiful.

“Michael?” Ben called.

“There you are!” Michael burst onto the porch. “I put fresh batteries in the flashlights and cleaned the basement.

“Relax, sit” Ben urged, taking his hand. “We have time.”

Michael sat stiffly, warily eying the clouds. Ben just pulled him close, ignoring the flashlight he still held.
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