Queer as Folk Drabbles - July 26th, 2012 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Because Sometimes 100 Words is Enough

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July 26th, 2012

Challenge #210: Rimming vs. Blowjobs [Jul. 26th, 2012|03:42 pm]


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Title: Something Like Courage
Condom: blow jobs
A/N: Hunter's POV when he picks up the murderer in 312

"Fifty for a blow job. Hundred to fuck." The line is well-rehearsed on your tongue. Usually, the offer carries a hint of desperation, of bravado. Tonight, it's something else. Not the usual thrill of uncertainty, but a stirring of unease. Not your usual bluster, but something like real courage.

He locks the front door behind you, leaving you in shadows, and your heart races in your chest. Jason had spent a night with this man and never seen another morning.

Rather than weakening your resolve, thoughts of Jason reinforce it. You take a deep breath and step into the bedroom.

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Challenge #210: Rimming vs. Blowjobs [Jul. 26th, 2012|04:02 pm]


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Title: The Best Things
Condom: Blow jobs

The combined scents of Justin, cigarettes, and leather surround Brian, pulling him deeper into a haze of arousal. Justin sits on top of him on the couch, wearing only that jacket, nude from the waist down. Justin jokes that this will cost a hundred dollars, and when he kisses from Brian's neck to his stomach then wraps his lips around his dick, Brian thinks he'd gladly give every cent he owned.

He finds his release in the warmth of Justin's mouth; afterward, Justin spreads his body over Brian's to kiss him.

Sometimes, the best things in life really are free.

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Challenge #210: Rimming vs Blowjobs [Jul. 26th, 2012|11:28 pm]
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Title: Wagers and Winners

“Your spring collection shopping spree becomes a museum visit,” Justin said as he looked over his cards. “And I raise you two blowjobs.”

“Two public blowjobs, same night but different places,” Brian countered. “Then I fuck you with the new dildo until you come without either of us touching your cock.”

“I’ll raise you one Saturday night backroom fuck-I top. And I call.”

“Or we could forget the whole thing, and I’ll rim you right now.”

“Your hand is that bad?”

“Do you care?” Brian smirked.

Justin pretended to think about it before tossing his cards aside. “Not really.”
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