Queer as Folk Drabbles - July 13th, 2012 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Because Sometimes 100 Words is Enough

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July 13th, 2012

Challenge #210: Rimming vs. Blowjobs [Jul. 13th, 2012|12:46 am]


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Title: Art Imitating Life
Condom: Blow jobs

Justin's tongue poked out from between his lips in concentration. The story was important, of course, but privately he felt that the appeal of comics was the artwork, the passion and the talent with which it brought the story alive. Of course, he would never voice this opinion to Michael.

His hand went to the front of his pants, his aching cock. The cover image was of JT blowing Rage, and it made Justin think of blowing Brian.

He shut down the computer and got up to join Brian in the shower, glad to have his real-life Rage back again.
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Challenge #210: Rimming vs Blowjobs [Jul. 13th, 2012|05:08 pm]
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Title: Rimming is Foreplay (2/21)
A/N: Justin is pursuing his art career in New York and Brian is just fine with that – or he would be, if the little twat wasn’t constantly annoying him with phone calls about sex acts.
Condom: Blowjobs

“The fuck you are. I was giving blowjobs while you were in diapers.”

“And yet.” Justin might have been able to sound smugger, but not without serious effort.

“You are not better at them than I am. For one thing--”

“And rimming, too,” Justin continued and if he closed his eyes, Brian could envision the look on his face.

He did his best not to, because this was distracting enough.

He took a deep breath. “Okay. It’s possible that your blowjob skills equal my own, but only because I’m usually the one being blown. But rimming? Not a chance.”

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Challenge #210: Rimming vs Blowjobs [Jul. 13th, 2012|05:14 pm]
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Title: Rimming is Foreplay (3/21)
A/N: Justin is pursuing his art career in New York and Brian is just fine with that – or he would be, if the little twat wasn’t constantly annoying him with phone calls about sex acts.
Condom: Rimming

The next day, the phone calls began before Brian could even finish his first cup of coffee.

“I have proof.”

Brian rubbed the skin between his eyes. “Empirical evidence? A double-blind study? You certainly are keeping yourself busy in New York City.”

Justin laughed. “I made a trick come in less than thirty seconds last night.”

Brian scoffed. “So what? I made you come in less than ten.”

“It wasn’t this guy’s first time, though. And he was hot. You should have seen his--”

Brian swallowed the residual coffee bitterness. “I’ve got a meeting,” he said, and hung up.

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Challenge #210 Rimming vs Blowjobs [Jul. 13th, 2012|11:18 pm]
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Title Commiseration
Condom: Blowjobs

Brian wasn’t superstitious; he’d never worried about Friday the 13th. But this year the hot water ran out during his shower, and at breakfast, the new waiter tripped, dropping his omelet into his lap.

When he got to Kinnetik, Cynthia told him a major campaign proposal had been accidentally deleted. And lunch left the entire art department suffering from food poisoning.

Justin struggled to keep a straight face as Brian described the day’s disasters while stretched out on the couch with a cool compress over his eyes. “Poor baby,” he teased. “Let me blow you and make it all better.”
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