Queer as Folk COFFEECLUB - December 23rd, 2007 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Queer As Folk Coffee Club

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December 23rd, 2007

Just sharing something that bugs me incessantly in a completely OCD kind of way... [Dec. 23rd, 2007|12:53 am]
I don't know whether this has been brought up before, though I have a feeling it has. How could it not? It's about the timeline in QAF and how it's so convoluted that I sometimes want to rip my hair out, especially when I'm contemplating writing a fic. It's just always been so...I don't know, intimidating I guess, trying to figure it out. But I have made an attempt! I would just like some kind of input from all you lovely people who have probably been a part of the fandom for much longer than I and probably know this stuff a lot better than I do. I know some of you have some very definite ideas, but I'd like you to give my thoughts a chance. I just want to know that I'm not out of my mind, so I can finally stop obsessing over the stupid timeline long enough to give some of my plot bunnies a chance.

This is taken straight from my own journal, so excuse the ranting, stream of consciousness quality plzkthx

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