Queer as Folk COFFEECLUB - December 13th, 2007 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Queer As Folk Coffee Club

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December 13th, 2007

shiny episode - 103 [Dec. 13th, 2007|01:27 am]


So I'm watching 103 and I am struck by the amount of shiny clothes in the episode.

Daphne's dress
Justin's shirt
Brian's shirt
Brian's trick's shirt
Brian's other trick's pants
Debbie's shirt

So I'm wondering, are there any other episodes that seem to be thematic with the clothes/wardrobe?
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Britin vs. Brighton [Dec. 13th, 2007|02:51 pm]
It always throws me when I see Brighton instead of Britin in a fic. Anyone else feeling the same?
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