Queer as Folk COFFEECLUB - September 6th, 2007 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Queer As Folk Coffee Club

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September 6th, 2007

Do you feel like dancing? [Sep. 6th, 2007|04:48 pm]


Today while working at my temp job ok i've been working there almost a year, why am i still a temp? I had much time to listen to my ipod and daydream about brian and justin while filing.

When the song Forever Young came on, I felt all full of the happy, thinking about that scene. Then I got to thinking about all the different wonderful moments that have happened on the dance floor of babylon. There are so many!

So I ask you, what are some of your favorite moments on the dance floor of Babylon? Not in the backroom, not at the bar, but on the dance floor, surrounded by the thumpa thumpa.

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ETA: The caps I've used throughout the comments aren't mine, they come from queer eyes, kwaf, qaf-caps, and i think that's all. :X
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Do you really want to hurt me? A poll by Xie [Sep. 6th, 2007|11:38 pm]


So, I was up all night working and slept most of the day, and now of course I'm wide awake and my muses are restless. Those bitches. They want to poll. And since I was feeling a desire for some good old-fashioned hurt/comfort, and I was trying to decide if I wanted to read about Brian tenderly taking care of Justin when he was stricken with some horrible but not even slightly disfiguring malady, or Justin sharing his other-worldly strength with a shattered Brian, or possibly the two of them caring for a broken Michael or a bereaved Debbie, or maybe Gus gets shot and then gets cancer, oh wait, I wrote that one already...

Anyway, my point is, what do you like in hurt/comfort? And don't feel that by answering you have to live and die with these choices for all your life and even beyond the grave, you can answer for just what you feel most like TONIGHT.... oh, and anyone who might put a few words in the comments about exactly what gets you most hot about a hurt/comfort fic, what is your favorite scenario, dynamic, or fantasy.... it would fill my life with joy and delight to hear it.

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