Queer as Folk COFFEECLUB - September 4th, 2007 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Queer As Folk Coffee Club

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September 4th, 2007

Sex through the Seasons [Sep. 4th, 2007|07:54 pm]


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I got to thinking the other day (yes, dangerous I know) after we'd already announced the topic for [info]qaf_marathons about the sex scenes in each season and how it seemed that each season had a single defining sex scene that advanced the Brian/Justin relationship in a significant way. I was thinking 101 - their first time, 202 - their second first time ;), 308 - reunion sex, 403 - chair sex, and 502 - reunion sex redux.

However, then I got to thinking about how all the sex scenes really advanced their relationship and why should we have to pick just one for each season. Then I dreamed up this poll. :D

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