Queer as Folk COFFEECLUB - August 31st, 2007 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Queer As Folk Coffee Club

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August 31st, 2007

QAF: Fandom of canonical porn [Aug. 31st, 2007|11:55 pm]



As I'm sure you know, I mostly write G-rated stories of Brian and Justin having long conversations by the fire and contemplating the arrival of their twins.

Oh wait. I'm sorry, I was trapped in a nightmare.

What I really meant to say is that the Best. Thing. Ever. is that our fandom? The fandom of canonical butt fucking. I'm just saying.

And it's not just butt fucking, dear fangirls, because of course, if that's all it was, we could just go rent porn movies and not have to get our hearts broken when Brian tells Justin he doesn't believe in love, he believes in fucking, or when that bat hits Justin's head and shatters Brian's fragile belief in love, or when Justin turns away from Brian on the dance floor at Babylon and goes off with the big cheeseball Ian, or when Brian shoves Justin out the door for committing the unpardonable sin of respecting Brian's decision not to tell him he has cancer, or when Justin fidgets and squirms and almost but not quite strokes Brian's hair while saying no, I'm sorry but I won't marry you that first time.

But that's not what we do, because our fandom is the fandom of butt fucking with the love on top.

And on the bottom.

So what I want to know, and I need to know it every day but I especially need to know it today in honor of Bring Back the Porn Day on InsaneJournal, is this:

What sex scene first made you realize you were watching something you'd never seen before?

What is the first time Brian and Justin fucked with love?

Did you have any idea the first time you watched them fuck what it would lead to?

Did any sex scene in this show ever shock you?

Is there anything else about fucking and Queer as Folk you'd like to say? Because remember: The first words uttered in the first episode, and the unofficial motto of Brian Kinney our fandom: "It's all about sex."

And that's canon, baby. So dish the porn. Do it for Tweak.
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