Queer As Folk Writing Challenges, with a B/J focus - November 6th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Queer As Folk Writing Challenges, with a B/J focus

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November 6th, 2009

POLL RESULTS [Nov. 6th, 2009|09:17 am]


Thank you to everyone who voted in the poll!

From the results, and the comments, I've decided to keep the challenges anonymous at this time. In order to make this strategy as effective as possible I'd like to ask that in future challenges authors do not name their betas when thanking them. Please save that for when you cross-post.

Also, I'm going to hold a yearly amnesty. Authors can submit fics they may have started for a challenge but ran out of time and didn't finish, or people can choose one of the past themes to write for. It will be like an annual Second Chance Challenge.

I'd like to run a new theme next, so the amnesty will take place after the next challenge. Speaking of which, due to popular demand I'm opening the next challenge up to graphics makers and vidders.

I'll also continue to post to both IJ and LJ at this time.
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WEATHER/VACATION MASTERLIST! [Nov. 6th, 2009|05:32 pm]


The authors in the Weather/Vacation Challenge have now been revealed! I'll post a full list of writers and links to their stories under the cut, and this post will also be put in the memories here for future reference.

The authors are now free to reply to comments on their fic, and cross post them if they wish. To encourage more readers and writers, a link back to [info]qaf_challenges when you do this would be much appreciated!

I'll be announcing a new challenge soon and I'd love to get lots of sign-ups, so spread the word!

Fic Links )
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