Queer As Folk Writing Challenges, with a B/J focus - January 31st, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Queer As Folk Writing Challenges, with a B/J focus

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January 31st, 2009

Challenge extended [Jan. 31st, 2009|08:29 am]



Hi, challengers! (I'm going to call you all that from now on. ;)

I've had a family illness to deal with the last two weeks, and as a consequence got a bit behind in reminding people and encouraging sign-ups to the current challenge. I've decided to extend the deadline until March 6, instead of the current date of February 20.

You can sign up any time up until the due date, but if you're considering writing for the challenge, please let me know. You can sign up, ask questions, get full information on the current challenge, and find a link to locate a beta for your fic, all right here in this post.

The master list of drabbles from Phase 1, which are the prompts for this challenge, is here.

I already have one fic from an enthusiastic author, and I thank her for turning it in early and reminding me of my responsibilities, LOL. You know who you are -- THANK YOU!
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