Queer As Folk Writing Challenges, with a B/J focus - January 27th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Queer As Folk Writing Challenges, with a B/J focus

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January 27th, 2008

SECOND CHANCE CHALLENGE [Jan. 27th, 2008|10:19 pm]


There were 34 sign-ups in total, but latecomers are always welcome. Just leave your name HERE.

Fics are due on (or before) February 24, no later than midnight (US, PT) and will then be posted anonymously, in random order.

See the user info page HERE for the list of rules. Fics MUST adhere to ALL the rules or they will not be accepted.

Fics will stay anonymous for 5 days and then the authors will be revealed.

When your fic is finished, please email it to me as a word document. If I don't reply, it means I didn't get it, so send it again please.

If you need a beta, see this post.

If you would like to offer to beta, please add your details to that post. If you want your name taken off the beta list, also let me know.

You MUST copy and paste the following header at the start of your fic with all the relevant information filled out, and bold text html code added.

Written By: your IJ username
Warnings: If needed. This includes character death and wip.
Summary: Optional.
Author's Notes: Optional. Please be brief. You can thank your beta here.
Theme: Second Chance, In Cars, Icon Challenge etc
Inspired by Icon: (Only if you did an Icon Challenge. Please include the number of the icon(s) used)

You can find the icon tables here and

Any questions, or to submit your fic, or if you will be unable to finish, please email me at


Thanks very much to all!

Also, please add an lj cut with the name of your fic

Fic Name Goes Here Like This )
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