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[12 Jul 2021|09:09pm]

Looking for a largely lighthearted and tongue-in-cheek (and/or shamelessly smutty) line or two. Check the journal for info and some ideas, and contact me there if interested!
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[15 Jun 2021|02:55pm]

Zatanna Zatara, John Constantine, or both?

The triad deserves more love.
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[20 Dec 2020|07:20pm]

MAKO MORI looking for A CHUCK HANSEN to play out something from this wonderful fic (that someone else wrote): Two of Us

or a RALEIGH BECKET for also shipping purposes
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[01 Aug 2020|01:51pm]

Anyone still doing Marvel rp?

Searching for slash or het lines for my muses. Have tons of plot ideas for nearly any character pairings.

Check the journal for more details and don't hesitate to hit me up.
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[17 May 2020|03:01am]

Probably a futile hope, but does anyone still write in the Supernatural fandom? I'd love to immerse myself in that world again - and I'd especially love some sort of AU crossover with the BTVS/Angel world.

If anyone is interested, please drop me a line.
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[25 Nov 2019|08:52pm]

Have the week off at work and really would love some lines. Harry Potter fandom lines would be fantastic. I really only count original 7 books as canon and I have a large list of characters I tend to play here

I am a sucker for a crackship and AU.

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[08 Jul 2019|08:54pm]

Looking for PSLs with Albus here. All you need to know about him can be found in my journal.

Slash only

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[23 Jul 2018|10:25am]

In desperate need of some partners that would like to do some historical lines, one is a het and the other is a femme. I am seriously frothing at the mouth to do these. Please comment if interested!
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[21 Jul 2018|11:52pm]

I updated my journal, made some improvements and some other things. Check it out and let me know if you want to work something out!!
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Digimon [07 Jun 2018|11:33pm]

I'm looking for some digimon PSLs. Ideally, I'd like to play Taichi, Yamato, or Takeru (I'm fine with using the English dub names, too, for the record). Or one of the girls. Slash or Femme preferred, but will totally write het as well if you've got an idea. I'm most interested in TaichixYamato or MimixMeiko, but I'll play any crack pairing you've got! I'm not a big fan of TaichixSora or YamatoxSora, though, she can do soooo much better. JoexSora, anyone? I'm fully caught up on Tri, but let me know if I need to avoid spoilers.
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