May 9th, 2008

[info]catness in [info]prompt_100


Title: shattered
Prompt # 36 - Blood
Word count: 248
Fandom: Harry Potter (alternate universe)
Characters: original
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Harry Potter belongs to JK Rowling. Any resemblance to actual persons, real or fictional, if any, is unintentional and purely coincidental.

cut )

[info]auryon in [info]prompt_100

[Danny Phantom] Cruor

Title: Cruor
Fandom: Danny Phantom
Prompt: # 36 - Blood - Prompt 100
Rating: PG-13 (for ...well, blood & violence)
Words: 230
Characters: Danny Phantom/Fenton, Skulker
Disclaimer: I don't own anything except my soul. Oh hang on. *leans to her left* What? *listens* Oh. Sorry. Uh scratch that last; I own nothing.
Summary: That was a close one, he thought wryly.

Danny coughed and covered his mouth. Angry looking splotches of red and glowing green splattered against his fingers. He felt the warm liquid trickle down his arm and his lips twisted in an almost grimace.

That was a close one, he thought wryly.

But he lived for this. The adrenaline, the thrill of victory, and most of all, the hunt. He didn’t kill his enemies – he didn’t think he could. He was glad for that. It gave him a safe-zone to fall back on when things got especially brutal. He could hit and hit – and they would never die.

In some distant, dark place within his head, he somehow remembered what it was like to have someone else’s blood on his hands. And how he and glorified the feeling into something resembling happiness. But whenever these thoughts emerged, he quickly stomped them back into whatever hole they had come from, only a little disturbed by their existence in the first place.

Another sickly sky-blue blast of energy nearly knocked him into a nearby wall. He went intangible and zoomed off into the night air. Skulker followed quickly behind him, aiming his gun and grinning madly. It was a sudden reminder that his enemy had actually killed things before. Unlike him. He thought. Maybe.

Sometimes, he thought while dodging, coughing up speckled spit mixed with blood, I really think I’m crazy.

December 2011



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