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Progeny OOC

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Hello Charmed Progeny! I'm Jessa and I've brought in Lily Cavanagh. She goes to both Magic School and a mortal high school. She comes from very confusing household. Her father was a witch while her mother was not. When her mother found out she wanted nothing to do with him. She has a twin sister and three half brothers. She has gravity manipulation and sublimation shapeshifting. Which means she can turn into a mist like form.

I would love any and all storylines for her. And if any of you feeling willing to pick up her twin sister.

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Court! Chris & B thread soonish? Xander & Parker in the underworld? Henry Jr & Paige too?

Iliana! Prue & Andy soonish?

Anyone else want threads with my kiddos? (Bianca, Billie, Halli, Paige, Parker, or Prue)

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ok, so life is falling apart and on top of everything my laptop isn't charging anymore and i don't have the money to get a new one. i'm probably going to be around less for a while.

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Okay guys, I just wanted to help Jaimie round things up a bit so everyone is on the same page.

On Wednesday Oct 1st, I'm going to toss up a post that is kind of the end-battle for this gods thing. Halli & Wyatt (as Apollo & Artemis) are the only gods who have ever defeated Hera. And as such, are the ones who get to defeat her this time. I'm going to be mildly puppeting Amber's characters as per her wishes, but I'm going to try not to do much with them.

Immediately after Hera is destroyed, the Elders want the essences of the gods back. Halli and PJ are going to fight it and I'm not sure who else said they wanted to. But by Friday Oct 3rd, everyone needs to be back to normal. However, before then, feel free to have fun and cause trouble with the powers of the gods! Because what fun is a gods plot if you can't raise some hell?

Thursday Oct 2nd, Halli and Melinda (Halli still as Artemis) are going to track down the urn of Azazel and set him free. Melinda will prick her finger and neither one of them will know he's been set free.

Friday Oct 3rd, after Halli gives up her god powers, Azazel is going to come after Melinda. His whole thing is that if he impregnates a powerful witch (either a charmed one or the twice blessed) he can bring about the anti-christ and the apocalypse. His plan is to woo her, but failing that, he's going to try force. This is where Rhys comes in. Azazel is going to escape after Rhys dies.

After that it's going to be up to the new Charmed Ones to kill him. So the basic make a potion, make up a spell, trap the demon, kill him plot would work here. This can be done on Saturday or Sunday or we can wait until the new week change.

Any questions, obviously you can ask the mods or me :)

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alright. this is just a head's up i won't be around this weekend because like all good 21-years-old's i'm going to a mystical land called "las vegas" so i won't be around until sunday evening. here's hoping i come back with money! and not hungover! ♥ just figured i'd drop a line. take care everyone!

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hey kidlets. sam here. i'd like to point your attentions to progeny's first ever layouts. hopefully ya'll like them. ♥ main layout and ooc.

also! i'm opening a thread with this guy so whoever wants it specifically just comment here. much love peeps.

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Hey, I just wanted to say that if anyone wants to thread with my kiddos, let me know. I have Bianca, Billie, Paige, Prue, Halli, and ParkerII. Or, if you want, just toss up a thread for any of them. I'm up for anything :)

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