Dec. 7th, 2008


Orphan prompts - Autumn 2008

I've gone through and taken out the prompts that were filled in stories this round and have reposted the rest here. Anyone is welcome to grab a prompt (or two or five) and fill it, even if you didn't participate in the first go around. All that we ask is that you post a link here when you're done. :)

Get your prompts here! )

Dec. 1st, 2008


Yay, all the stories and pinch hits for the 2008 autumn [info]primevalathon have been posted! The master list of all stories for this round has been updated and is available here. Please go forth and offer our authors some love! *g*

[info]alylicious and I would like to thank everyone who participated this time and we hope everybody's looking forward to participating again next spring. :)

Nov. 23rd, 2008


For spoons1899: "Angels who wait for us to pause" by Aithine

Angels who wait for us to pause by Aithine

Recipient: Máire (spoons1899)

Requests: "Stephen and Nick, working late at/into the night in the lab. Reflection on the relationship between them from either POV. May include or imply pre-slash or slash," and "a little darkness."

Pairing: Nick/Stephen, past Nick/Helen

Rating: all ages

Summary: Eight years of anniversaries.

Disclaimer: Primeval is not mine. I'm just borrowing the characters for a bit.

Nov. 16th, 2008


For moonlettuce: "Three points for a win" by Aithine

Three points for a win by Aithine

Recipient: [info]moonlettuce

Requests: "One of the SF team starts flirting with Stephen. Nick realises how very jealous he is" and "Nick and Stephen in a lift. Smut ensues..."

Pairing: Nick/Stephen

Rating: All ages

Summary: He knew he had no reason to be this possessive of Stephen, but logic never seemed to stop him when he felt this strongly. (Takes place between 1.5 and 1.6.)

Disclaimer: Primeval is not mine. I'm just borrowing the characters for a bit.

Nov. 15th, 2008


Fic: Measured Steps, Nick/Stephen, PG

Title : Measured Steps
or How Stephen learned of his deep affection for Professor Nick Cutter and what happened thereafter.
Author: Tauna
Recipient: wizefics
Pairing: Nick/Stephen
Rating: PG

please come and enjoy;


Fic: Life, Interrupted (Connor/Nick, Abby/Connor, Abby/Connor/Nick implied, PG13)

Title: Life, Interrupted
Author: alyse
Fandom: Primeval
Pairing: Nick/Connor (past), Abby/Stephen (past implied), Nick/Claudia (past), Abby/Connor (present), Abby/Connor/Nick implied and references to canon relationships
Rating: PG13
Spoilers: Set post 2.7
Disclaimer: Primeval and its characters belong to Impossible Pictures. No copyright infringement is intended. This is fanfiction, written solely for love of the show.
Word Count: ~17,000.
Status: Complete
Author's Notes: Written for the Primeval Ficathon for [info]toestastegood

Summary: All biological life undergoes a process of evolution. The trick is surviving it.

Life, Interrupted - Part 1 of 2

Life, Interrupted - Part 2 of 2


Primeval Ficathon Master List - Autumn 2008

[info]aithine is being written for by [info]merihn -- [ Stranger in this lonely town ] (Nick/Stephen, R)
[ pinch hit by [info]curia_regis ] -- [ Timelines ] (Gen, PG13)
[info]alylicious is being written for by [info]spoons1899 -- [ Too Much, Too Soon ] (Abby/Connor, PG13)
[info]blktauna is being written for by [info]rodlox -- [ Torrid Above Freezing | Part 1 | Part 2 ] (Gen, K+/M)
[info]caitidid19 is being written for by [info]thefakebook -- [ Past Is Prologue | Part 1 | Part 2 ] (Gen, PG13)
[info]fififolle is being written for by [info]tenpa_neko
[ pinch hit by [info]alylicious ] -- [ Jumping the Gun ] (Connor/Ryan, PG13)
[info]galindaxxxx is being written for by [info]caitidid19 -- [ Ripples ] (Gen, PG)
[info]good_lioness is being written for by [info]wizefics -- [ Utterly Predictable ] (implied Nick/Stephen, G)
[info]lsellersfic is being written for by [info]galindaxxxx -- [ Nick Cutter's Guide to the Strange and Unusual ] (Gen, PG)
[info]merihn is being written for by [info]moonlettuce -- [ Crazy Little Thing ] (Connor/Nick/Stephen, NC-17)
[info]moonlettuce is being written for by [info]aithine -- [ Three points for a win ] (Nick/Stephen, All ages)
[info]rodlox is being written for by [info]fififolle -- [ Something Better | Part One | Part Two ] (Helen/Nick, K+)
[info]spoons1899 is being written for by [info]good_lioness
[ pinch hit by [info]aithine ] -- [ Angels who wait for us to pause ] (Nick/Stephen, past Nick/Helen, All Ages)
[info]temaris is being written for by [info]alyse [pinch hit] -- [ Mirror'd ] (Gen with overtones of Abby/Connor, PG13)
[info]tenpa_neko is being written for by [info]temaris -- [ Punctuated Equilibrium ] (Connor/Nick pre-slash, G)
[info]thefakebook is being written for by [info]lsellersfic -- [ A Romantic Night Out ] (Claudia/Nick, U)
[info]toestastegood is being written for by [info]alylicious -- [ Life, Interrupted | Part 1 | Part 2 ] (Nick/Connor, Abby/Connor, implied Abby/Connor/Nick, PG13)
[info]wizefics is being written for by [info]blktauna -- [ Measured Steps ] (Nick/Stephen, PG)