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Gojyo/Hakkai (585) and Tenpou/Kenren (10K) Asylum

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Mod Post: Technical Difficulty, Opening [Aug. 20th, 2007|03:28 pm]
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Hi everyone! I just wanted to lket you know that we are having some technical difficulties here in the back end of the comm. That's why the color scheme is the way it is. We would like to apologize for not having everything ready for the opening of the comm right away.

However, we don't really feel that this is a good reason for not allowing posting, etc. so please feel free to begin posting whatever you may want to share! We are a very small community as yet, but we are hoping that it will grow fairly quickly (meaning that we plan to try to lure some people over from other places ^_~).

We are planning to run contests from time to time, as well as challenges. If anyone has any ideas for these, please feel free to leave a comment at any time. If we use it, naturally we will credit it to you. The first one should come at the beginning of September, and in all likelihood, will involve Hakkais' birthday, but we haven't settled on anything concrete as yet.

Message streictly from [info]a_mael: I plan to link the first chapter of my story, It's a Long Life to be Always Longing here. If either [info]avierra or [info]inksheddings could let me know whether it is possible to link to the next chapter, I would appreciate it. You two are the only ones who are not on my personal f-list, so you are the only ones who can tell me this. Thanks in advance!

Please remember to f-lock all your entries to the community. Thanks! ♥~
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