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Gojyo/Hakkai (585) and Tenpou/Kenren (10K) Asylum

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Notice to [info]forth_eorlingas [Apr. 13th, 2008|05:09 pm]
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Dear [info]forth_eorlingas,

I have received you request, and I will be happy to approve it, but I need you to do something for me first, please.

Could you please post a comment to THIS POST, with the information requested. Your journal appears to be under construction, so I'm making a bit of an exception re: preferences for joining...but I do need to ensure that this is not a sockpuppet account. I'm sure you understand, yes?

Also, I would like to note that it is completely my fault that there was no post up for you to comment to, previous to your request. My apologies on that.

Thanks! ^__^
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