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Post Hogwarts OOC

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Quick update! [20 Mar 2009|03:52pm]

Just wanted to give a quick update.

I've been super busy (6 days a week) because of this musical, and our last performance isn't until the end of April. =/ Not good if you're a role player. Also, the other mod, Kelly, just finished with nursing school and got her a job at the hospital. I imagine that it will be harder for her from here on out, but by the end of April, things will be back to normal for me.

I'm not shutting down the game. No way. Not after all of this hard work, so I hope everyone continues to play when they can. Just understand that things may be slow in the near future. I still plan to RP in my spare time... I've just not had enough of it here recently. I'm not used to being busy! I'm used to either reading or writing! lol

Anyway, I hope everyone understands, and I will talk to Kelly the next time she calls or I call her. I hope everyone is still having fun! Do realize that I'm still getting applications for characters, but they may be slow in the process of fully joining. I hope to get that together ASAP. My plan is to check the mod journal and my email at least once a day. I think that will help a lot if I just take out the time to do that.

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Fonts [01 Mar 2009|05:33am]

Here at [info]posthogwartsrpg we find it fun to find specific fonts for our character journals. Each of us that have a specific font for a chracter should add a link in that character's personal info page to their font so it can be downloaded and installed by others so we can experience your character's journal as it was meant to be read.

I'm going to add a section on Fonts in the mod journal, so if you use a specific one, I need you to comment here with the name of the one you use, for what character, and a link to download that specific font. See any of my (Lindsay's) character's info pages for an example!


Character Fonts:
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Promoting [26 Feb 2009|08:27am]

I did some major pimping out and promoting for the community. If you know anyone who would like to play then please refer them to our game. The more the merrier!
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Use the friends button! [23 Feb 2009|06:43am]

Please use the Friend Add Button with all of your characters. I've taken on Ginny, so this should be interesting. =P

Friend add button can be found here:
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Please use the Friends Button and make sure that you have been added to the comms. The friends button can be found here in the mod journal: [info]posthogwartsmod
Direct Link:

You can also find direct links on the main RPG page [info]posthogwartsrpg -

Get use to referring to the mod journal. All major things will be posted there.
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Introduction Posts & Using the Friend Add Button [20 Feb 2009|12:32pm]

It's probably a good idea that we all make an introduction post upon joining the game. Thanks to Kelly, I remembered to go and put that in the rules.

Also, please use the Friend Add Button. It can be found here: (in the mod journal)

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It's Kelly! [19 Feb 2009|06:57pm]

Hi everyone! Long time no talk/rp? LOL Anyways, I added Micah and Rodolphus to the game. I might bring in more because we all know that I'm a character hog. I'm just waiting to see which muse wants to play in the game. These two Lindsay insisted upon. Anyways feel free to add them and my personal journal if you want. [info]thedreammaker It's up to you. Micah's info isn't finished and I can't find the time to do Rod's right now, so yeah I'll get to that later.

I really won't be around until after the 26th of this month. I'm taking my state nursing board test that day. I'm freaking out about it and studying my ass off. So if I'm slow responding it's because of that.

It's good to be gaming with everyone again.
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OPENING NEWS FOR THE RPG [19 Feb 2009|04:18am]

This is a friends locked community.

This is a brand new Harry Potter RPG ([info]posthogwartsrpg) that is going in real time except we're in the year 2001, starting in the month of February.

Officially opened: February 19, 2009
Official game play date for starting: February 19, 2001

So far, everyone that has joined has at least 5 years of role playing experience.

Please check out this journal (the mod journal) for more information.


I decided to make this community when everything else seemed to fail in the land of Harry Potter RPGs. Most mods are too elite or too anal to play with. I simply made this community to have a place to role play and to have fun. I don't care if your character is cannon or uncannon. I don't care if your posts and replies are two paragraphs or ten. None of that matters to me. It's time to have a game where the mod(s) aren't too strict and honestly don't care what's being played out as long as it's in the post Hogwarts era. So, I present to you, [info]posthogwartsrpg.

Mod - [info]posthogwartsmod; personal journal - [info]hearts_couture

Other communities: [info]posthogwartsowl and [info]posthogwartsooc

*For the Friend Add Button, Taken PB's & PB's On Hold, Rules, the Application, Taken Characters & Characters on Hold, Plot, and Contacts, please visit the mod journal! - [info]posthogwartsmod
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