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Nov. 3rd, 2011


Hi everybody.

I'm sorry, I hate to say it—but I've finally made the decision to bow out of our little group. The continuous slump in activity has brought my excitement for the game waay down. It's not as fun, writing by yourself!

I hope the "end" isn't near for ya'all. I hope it'll pick back up and flourish and that I'll be able to come back and revel in the action! Until then... ♥ Thank you all! I'm glad I met all of you. My AIM is always open!

Goodluck writing, you lot. Take care! ♥♥♥

(I'm taking Michele, Lucyina & David with me. Soo, just remove where appropriate!)

Nov. 1st, 2011


Hey guys!

I'm officially off hiatus now, so I am determined to do some much needed catching up. Since I've been gone for two months, I haven't met any of the new members formally yet. My name is Laws. I play Jared Master here and Sebastian Beilschmidt ([info]except_bastian). Feel free to hit me up for character relations/interactions or plots in general. I love plots. You can always contact me on AIM if you prefer to discuss things on there rather than this little comment... place. My username is delirious deceit (yes, with the space).

So, um, aside from all that, WHAT HAVE I MISSED?

Oct. 24th, 2011


Hey guys <3

I'm going to have to take a little hiatus from the game for a while, I'm sorry to say. Hopefully it won't interfere with anything and I'll still be available on aim from time to time if anybody would like to suggest any plots, but I probably won't be able to play again for a week or two. It might be longer but hopefully it won't be.

I love and will miss you all!!

Oct. 7th, 2011


Who: Lidia and Beatrice
What: Beatrice meets her new neighbor
When: Friday, midday
Where: Female Dorms
Rating: PGish
Warnings: None

Some of them want to use you. Some of them want to be used by you. )


Heeeey everyone! It is Meghan again with my third character. This is Aleksey Petrovski, twin brother to Lidia. He wants you to think of him as the best friend you have ever had. He'd love to hang out and grab a beer, or just sit around and shoot the wind. He is charming, likeable, fun to be around, and a total fake. He doesn't really want to befriend any of you, but the best way to get information out of you is by posing as a buddy. He uses his outgoing nature as a way to keep people at arms length. He will talk with you for hours, but it will only be after you leave that you notice he didn't say much about himself.

He isn't looking for love, and is even less interested in having a child. But the money is good, and who would honestly turn down being paid to have sex with a woman? Easiest job EVER.

That isn't to say he is a rotten apple. He isn't a bad guy, but he also isn't a good one. He might even end up liking you well enough if you are fun. He has already started an internal list of all the women he plans on sleeping with, so watch out ladies, he is out to seduce you. His history and a MUCH more in depth personality are over here! And I can't wait to start playing with him!

Oct. 8th, 2011


Hellooo everyone! My name's Loki, and I got a brand new guy here for you. His name is Inigo Verga, indigenous to Chile, and he's a writer that's published a couple of books in the Stephen King-Dean Koontz genre. He's kind of brooding and quiet, but still sociable and very friendly. Inigo daydreams a lot, and always expects something bad to happen in every situation he's in, which may be his worst quality, besides the fact that he has a hard time getting emotionally close to people.

And on top of all that, HE NEEDS PLOTS! So hit me up, if you're interested in playing with him. I look forward to writing with you all ^^

aim: thanks255


Oct. 5th, 2011



Erin here with my second character. Meet Lidia Petrovski.

Short rundown: she's from Moscow, daughter of a mobster and one of his mistresses. She's 26, and comes with a twin brother, Aleksey (coming soon!). They've been in Hou Ren for a week, and just started bartending (with her brother) at Far East. Outwardly, she'll smile and flirt (sometimes shamelessly), and otherwise be a warm, playful addition to anyone's day. But it's only skin deep... She's a emotionally disengaged, experienced liar with some pretty bone-deep trust issues. See more in her bio.

And BOY does she need lines! As always, hit me up on AIM at beerandsuckers.


This character needs a player!

Read more... )


Plot shots! Anyone?

I thought this looked like fun! Participation totally encouraged/desperately wanted! If you're interested, pick a word and open a thread! <3 Open to & for everyone! OH YEAH. And add whatever shots you want via comment or in your own post. Weee!
Read more... )

Oct. 4th, 2011



Haaaaaay again!

It's M. With my newest; Lucy. :) I hate these little introductions so I'll just mention that she's a romance writher/author currently working as a nurse at the Medical Center. Her priority for being here in Hou Ren is research for a new book. Lucy's from Poland, but her English is top-of-the-line and her accent isn't all that detectable. Plotting, welcome! She's very nosey, she'll love to be up in your business.

Oct. 2nd, 2011


Line fishing!

So! I've decided I'm possibly up for thinking about another character here, but this time I'd like to come in with some established lines. I had a twin-line idea brewing in my head, but I'm also curious as to any other wants/thoughts you all may have.

So who's up for it? Anyone?

Oct. 1st, 2011


sebastian + jared = semi-hiatus

Hey people who miss me oh so much~

I'd really like to tell you that I'm back. But, alas, I can't guarantee it because life hates me. That's why I'm going on a semi-hiatus just in case. It's mid-term month and, let me tell you, I am not thrilled about it at all.

The semi-hiatus might be taken down if things settle down. Sadly, that is still a question waiting to be answered. I'm going to try to meet the requirements and get some roleplay going as best as I can. Once again, no guarantees though.

Anyway, what's up, new people?

Sep. 28th, 2011


So went off on an improptu hiatus, brought to you by Jadis-Breaks-Her-Leg-While-Watching-Fireworks THE MOVIE!

BUT SHE LIVES! on pain killers, but still LIVES! AND IS BACK! AS IS LAKSHMI! ....or I guess has finally arrived since I didn't get to do anything with her before I was stupid.

dontjudgeme! XD

Sep. 27th, 2011


Icon: My reaction to myself

Hey everyone! I know I said I would be gone for like a week because of school and then I was gone for a month. It was sort of inexcusable, but I am trying to get back into things so please forgive me! Behind the cut (which I haven't put up yet but I will) is the rundown of me and my character for anyone new, and if anyone new or with new characters could post here I'd be forever grateful!

<3 April (Ruby)

Sep. 25th, 2011


Why, hello there!

This is Sarah. Again. With my fourth character. Fourth. After this I shall make no more, lest it suck all of my remaining free time from me like a vacuum cleaner hell bent on destroying my social life (what social life?). Anyway, Christian is a rather princely sort - all deep and romantic and manly and such. You know the type. He's a rather dashing person and a very nice guy all around, but unfortunately for all the single ladies out there he's already engaged to Alyssa Morgan, with whom he is head over heels in love.

Still, he likes to make friends, so if anyone would like to hang out with him, let me know!

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