Poet's Passion - January 17th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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January 17th, 2011

Hold me again, i'll do anything for it. [Jan. 17th, 2011|01:54 am]
[mood | depressed]

I sleep as long as I can,
It feels better to be in the darkness.
I sleep ever chance I get,
It's better than living with myself.

I figure sleep will be my dark sanctuary.
It's until I dream of you I think it's safe.
I slept to escape my fuck up,
and then I dream of you smiling with someone else.

Baby, I need you,I love you,
I'm dying to hear you tell me "I love you"
Baby, I'm sorry, I'll do anything for you.
I want to be with you,
I want nothing more but for you to hold me again.
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