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Oh no is the community dead? [22 Feb 2012|01:50pm]

[ mood | confused ]

Here I was coming back after a couple of months to make my big comeback but--

It looks like no response to anything has been made since my hiatus a couple of months ago. Well, if that's the case I check back occasionally to see if this makes any gets any response. But if not I suppose I should say the fun will be missed~

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I'd hate to join the rest but-- [07 Nov 2011|10:20am]

As some of you have probably noticed by now I have been unable to log in over the past couple of days. It is mostly due to this semester (which is by far the most difficult I've had) which has taken a turn for the worst. So unfortunately I won't be on so much for the next while, at least until I manage to bring my grades back up to standard.

My deepest apologies to all those who I currently have really interesting RPs going on with. I hope that when I return we might still be able to continue from where we left off. I know this was probably not the best time for things to get so hectic, but it's seems it can't be helped.

Hopefully I'll pick things up ASAP.
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Hiatus Notice [06 Nov 2011|03:38pm]

hey, it's Meagan. i'm going on hiatus. i've got a lot on my mind and i'm behind in a few classes.

i'll continue to reply to old posts and try to keep up, but i'm probably not making new posts. sorry.
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[29 Oct 2011|10:30am]

I wanted to apologize to you guys for being so inactive lately. It isn't a good thing and I'm going to stop it! However, I do have one sad announcement. :( I'm going to drop Buffy. I'll keep the rest, but I'd rather focus on them and Buffy's place in this game is a little weird for me, plus she's lost a lot of CR too. So she's going to Sunnydale where she belongs. To save the world, off to college there because she realized that she can't just leave Sunnydale to the monsters. She'll miss everyone though!
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Lack Of Internet and Increase of Homework [16 Oct 2011|07:48pm]

[ mood | busy ]

Hey everyone. Just thought I'd give an update in warning over the next while. It seems AT&T has screwed up with my house recently and I'm going to be spending the next week without internet. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing seeing as I have to get ready for a convention I'm selling at next weekend as well as keeping up with my school work. So I doubt I'll be around too much for the next while. Semi-hiatus I guess? I apologize for the inconvenience and I hope you can all be patient with my responses. I look forward to coming back ASAP!

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Activity Check: END. [07 Oct 2011|03:02pm]

So I got sick and then got busy with school, which is why everyone basically got an extra week's time on the activity check! Here are the people who didn't pass and you need to unadd:

Loz | [info]notcrying
Kevin | [info]bloodywolf
Genesis | [info]rhapsoidein
Kuja | [info]sycophants
Daisuke/Dark | [info]darknessofheart

For simplicity's sake, voila the magical add/remove all button of functionality:

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[28 Sep 2011|11:28pm]

HELLO EVERYONE! :D Plz to be adding Lizzy to your lists!
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[27 Sep 2011|12:19am]

hello everybody o/

my name is lynn and i'm back in the game since... 1/2 years ago, haha. i was glad to see this game was still alive~

you can send me an im at lynfandel @ aim if you need me or add me on plurk which is "whipwing"
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ACTIVITY CHECK! Starto! [27 Sep 2011|12:07am]

The following journals are past 2 weeks at time of activity check:

Exempt due to hiatus/semi-hiatus but past 2 weeks:

Those of you caught in the activity check, please make sure to update by Friday, September 30, 2011 at 3:00PM EST. If you are on hiatus or semi-hiatus and would like to change your status to active, please let me know and make sure to update your characters ASAP. Thank you and have a great week you guys!
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Hiatus [23 Sep 2011|06:35am]

Going to announce this now, before I completely disappear. School started a few weeks back and it's becoming harder and harder for me to keep up w/things online. So I need to call a Hiatus for my characters. Or least one of them since I am debating dropping Claire Bennet [[info]miracle__grow]. I'm going to try my best to keep Ciel & Suzaku active, Sherlock will be on a Hiatus and I will update him whenever I can. Just the other two I know are important story/plot-wise.
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Drop [06 Sep 2011|04:31am]

I've decided to go ahead and drop here, the inspiration/motivation for Seph here has completely fled and isn't coming back anytime soon, so I'm going to cease character squatting and free the man up again.

If some of ye want to musebox with me on IJ or LJ just drop me a PM or a line via Plurk or AIM and I'll shoot you an invite to it :3

It was fun while it lasted though, take care all of ye.
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[05 Sep 2011|12:33am]

Sorry for the unannounced disappearance! Family drama will do that. However, I returneth!
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[04 Sep 2011|08:30pm]
Hi there! This is Taylor! Just wanted to let you know, if you wanted to throw in your character over here make sure you do it! I'm going to finish up the banner tomorrow so if you don't make your own I'll probably make you one?

But yeah, I wanna get it done before I'm swamped with school again so that's the sitch! Thanks!
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[02 Sep 2011|09:36pm]

So guys I had this ridiculous idea while I was goofing off and not doing anything I should be doing...

But everyone should like. Make genderbent versions of their characters using this for fun. Then I will totally make a giant genderbent banner.

Unfortunately it only works to genderbend guys, but if you wanna put your girls in we can have it be a "if PLC was a girls only school" thing 8D
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Hiatus end! [02 Sep 2011|04:16pm]

I have a new laptop so Kadaj, Squall, Soma, Nero, and Tidus are all back active!
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Hiatus [31 Aug 2011|05:36pm]

so like, my computer somehow set itself on fire. twice. now it won't turn on, so without much access to a computer (and the times I do have access I'll have to focus mostly on schoolwork since 98% of my class assignments involve being online) I'm going to have to go on hiatus until I can afford to purchase a new one. This goes for Tidus, Soma, Squall, Kadaj, and Nero.

I hope this doesn't last too long. See ya when I see ya.
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hiatus [21 Aug 2011|02:04pm]

[ mood | tired ]

Due to lack of motivation, I'm going to call a hiatus here to think further on if I want to stick with this place or let it go. It just seems me and IJ games have short-lived relationships at times, mostly due to me largely forgetting that I'm in them often times...and also it seems that me and school-games tend to share the same fate.

There's still some of ye though I really love playing with, and while most of you are in other games with me, some aren't. Thus my indecision. So I'm going to call for at least a two-week hiatus and hopefully by then decide what I'm going to do with this guy.

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^^ 'Ello. Extreme newbie here. [18 Aug 2011|09:09am]

Well, maybe not extreme extreme. But it's my first time making an insanejournal account, so I'm still trying to get used to things here. I've RP-ed for a while but after a couple of years being caught up in school I started to miss it and looked around for something to join. Sure enough I found here.
There are times where I may get busy again (still in college and also starting up a part time job >.0). But I promise to try to be on as much as possible.
Okay! As for character. I am doing a personal love of mine from the Manga Series Saiyuki. His name is Cho Hakkai, and though far far from a normal person he does his absolute best to try and fit in as one. He's one of those "tragic past" sort of characters, but what I love most about him is that despite it all he is able to get over it and keep pushing forwards. I'll be putting up all his info soon on my profile though for any of you who don't know the series and want to know more about him. (I'll try not to make it too long.)

It's a pleasure to meet you! And I hope we can all get along and have lots of fun!
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Newmeat! [16 Aug 2011|10:46pm]

Hi there, PLC, I would be your new Niwa Daisuke/Dark Mousy-mun.

But you can just call me Flik.

For anyone not familiar with the manga and/or anime, D.N.Angel, Daisuke's you're normal every day high school kid. It's Dark who's the weird one since, y'know, he's a magical personification of a cursed piece of art who shares headspace with Daisuke until Daisuke starts becoming overcome with feelings of unrequited love at which point Dark takes things over.

Don't feel too bad for him, though, the transformation trigger works both ways.

Anyways, I'll be getting around to putting all of this and some other helpful info in his profile. But in the meantime, if y'all could go ahead and add his journal so that when I throw up his first post in a minute we can get this ball rolling!
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HEY GUYS. [16 Aug 2011|11:38am]

Hi everyone! Sorry for disappearing for a bit there. >_< School just started up again and I've been swamped with a few other things as well, then lost like half of my notification when IJ broke the other day. I'm back now though and hopefully I'll be able to get back into the swing of things.

Um.. just to warn you, tags will probably be super-delayed on Tuesdays/Thursdays since I'll probably only be on like an hour or two during the day, then after 10PM PST on both of those days. (@_@ Super busy.)

Anyway, that's just a heads up and I'll get back to doing all the stuffs now. 8D
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