Pink Floyd Fans [entries|friends|calendar]
Pink Floyd Fans

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Holy Crap [07 Jul 2005|10:09am]

They got back together!!! I really would have done about anything to have seen this live at Live 8. Lets just hope that had a good time and decide to do one more tour together *drool*
4 comments| Is there anybody out there?

Hullo! [02 May 2004|06:01pm]

[ mood | giggly ]
[ music | One Slip - Pink Floyd ]

Hi there! I'm a Floyd fan to some degree...I have five albums on CD, a t-shirt, patch and pin...I saw "The Wall" as a play last spring and went to see a local Floyd tribute band called the Machine.

Since my mom and dad were young adults in the 70's, I grew up with classic rock music. I've always liked Floyd and could sing a few of the songs in entirety when I was five (I've been a fan for 14 long years! Considering I'm 19, that's a long time ^_^;;) and joined this group hoping to make some new friends ^__^

5 comments| Is there anybody out there?

Learning to Fly [06 Nov 2003|03:09am]

[ mood | creative ]

Just a picture I messed around with a few years ago. I thought I'd put it up here since the lyrics are from Learning to Fly.

Learning to Fly

Learning to Fly
Is there anybody out there?

[24 Oct 2003|11:30pm]

[ mood | bouncy ]
[ music | Learning to Fly - Pink Floyd ]

What is your favorite Pink Floyd song and album? My favorite song is definitely Wish You Were Here. Learning to Fly is a close second. As for my favorite album, I'm torn between Momentary Lapse of Reason and The Division Bell. PULSE is always good, too.

3 comments| Is there anybody out there?

[24 Oct 2003|10:31pm]

[ mood | blank ]
[ music | Pink Floyd- Hey You ]

Alright... I'll start off with a poll.

Why not? Polls are fun. :P

Poll #20 Pink Floyd Albums
Open to: Friends, results viewable to: All

Which of the following is your favorite album by Pink Floyd?

View Answers

1 (20.0%)

Dark Side of the Moon
2 (40.0%)

The Wall
1 (20.0%)

Wish You Were Here
0 (0.0%)

The Division Bell
1 (20.0%)

0 (0.0%)

0 (0.0%)

The Final Cut
0 (0.0%)

Is there anybody out there?

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