~ Pimp My Threesome ~
A Harry Potter Threesome Fest With a Twist

User: [info]3some_mod
Date: 2007-07-16 07:36
Subject: "Moving Pictures," by Honoria Nutcombe
Security: Public
Tags:fic post, honoria nutcombe

Original poster: nutsandhags

Title: Moving Pictures
Author: Honoria Nutcombe
Pairing: Harry/Luna/Neville
Kink/Prompt: Jealousy/It's the Wild, Wild West
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: (Fl)angst, non-linear narrative.
Summary: Harry will never tell anyone this, but there's a small part of him that never wanted the war to end.
Author's Notes and Disclaimer: This ended up being just under 2000 words, with the prompt used in a very loose sense. I hope that you enjoy reading it! Many thanks to A and P for all of their encouragement, as well as the fast and speedy betas. ♥♥♥ This never would have gotten finished without all their help and advice. All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended.

Moving Pictures. )

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August 2007