~ Pimp My Threesome ~
A Harry Potter Threesome Fest With a Twist

User: [info]3some_mod
Date: 2007-07-13 17:59
Subject: There Are No Marvels in Pannony by Adalbet Waffling CW/DT/NT
Security: Public
Tags:adalbet waffling, fic post

Original poster: pimpin_adalbet

Title: There Are No Marvels in Pannony
Author: Adalbet Waffling
Pairing: Charlie/Dean/Tonks
Kink/Prompt: Virgin/Travelling
Rating: R
Summary: Living in a self-imposed exile, Dean Thomas watches Nymphadora Tonks from afar - only to be swept off his feet by Charlie Weasley, despite the fact that his landlady wants to see him settle down with a lady! In a complicated love triangle in a foreign city, three people find themselves in each others beds - but can they get their relationship together, keep their relationship together and then have it survive England?
Author's Notes/Disclaimer: I would like to thank my lovely betas and our amazing mods for making all of this possible. I wouldn't have been able to write this without my betas and certainly none of this would have happened if it were not for our mods. I would also like to say that I am not, in fact, J. K. Rowling and make no claims about owning any of the characters in this piece of fiction. The characters and world contained herein belong to people other than myself, I am simply playing in their sandbox and not making any money from it.

( There Are No Marvels in Pannony )

ETA: Due to difficulties with the link, this has also been posted in three parts on [info]pimpin_adalbet.

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User: [info]3some_mod
Date: 2007-06-15 22:20
Subject: Adalbet Waffling's Final Pimpin Post
Security: Public
Tags:adalbet waffling, pimpage, week 3

Original poster: pimpin_adalbet

Alas, this is my final pimping post! I have enjoyed these past weeks of tantalising tastes of indulgent fantasies. Friends, it has been lovely.

Rather than indulge you and show you more of my delightful piece, I shall keep it short and simple.

The setting: Sofia, Bulgaria: a lonely one-bedroom apartment, a subterranean Gringotts office, a crowded rented room in an international inn

The characters: a virginal Dean Thomas living as a Muggle, a beautiful Nymphadora Tonks quietly stalking Dean, and a confused Charlie Weasley trying to find his way through the lies

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User: [info]3some_mod
Date: 2007-06-09 07:53
Subject: Pimpin Post for pimpin_adalbet
Security: Public
Tags:adalbet waffling, pimpage, week 2

Original poster: pimpin_adalbet

I'm afraid that with all of the travelling that I do, I simply lost track of the time and nearly forgot to tell you about There Are No Marvels in Pannony! I suppose that's the danger of speedy travel when looking for more information about lost and forgotten spells - you forget what time zone you're in!

Snippet )

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User: [info]3some_mod
Date: 2007-06-01 00:50
Subject: Pimpage
Security: Public
Tags:adalbet waffling, pimpage, week 1

Original poster: pimpin_adalbet

If you're looking for a story with tension, drama, passion... well, you're probably looking at the right community! But if you want a blushing virgin, an experienced older Weasley, and a repressed former wild woman... you might want to read There Are No Marvels in Pannony the stunning new story by Adalbet Waffling - a tale of forbidden desire, love, and pleasure.

Living in a self-imposed exile, Dean Thomas watches Nymphadora Tonks from afar - only to be swept off his feet by Charlie Weasley, despite the fact that his landlady wants to see him settle down with a lady! In a complicated love triangle in a foreign city, three people find themselves in each others beds - but can they get their relationship together, keep their relationship together and then have it survive England?

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my journal
August 2007