Friday, June 12th, 2009

A gift for loony4lupin!

Giftee: Loony4Lupin
Title: Purpose and Pain
Pairing/Characters: Percy/Draco, Percy/OMC
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 8656
Warnings: A little masochism domination at the beginning. Mega ANGST. A little Flangst.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Percy, Draco, or Mollly Weasley…let alone anyone else.
Summary: Percy is living half of a life, stuck inside of his own mind and trapped by his own failings and pain. Draco is desperately trying to find a reason to even get up in the morning. Lyrics provided by Damien Rice. (Listen to the last part of ‘I remember’ on the O cd and you’ll see why I needed to include these.)
Notes: Thanks to betas Ed and Amber…there was some really great feedback this time around. Also, thanks to the mods for their patience.

( Purpose and Pain )
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