pbs by ariel [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
pbs by ariel

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misc - fashion, random [Jul. 7th, 2010|02:33 am]

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features: fashion, women, random

the crawfish were screaming, the waves danced in time. my friends went in deeper, the water, it climbed. i watched in terror, the lake opened wide, and horribly roaring, it pulled them inside. that's how it happened, why would i lie? there are no bodies, i've got none to hide... )
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misc - fashion [Oct. 7th, 2008|05:17 am]

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features: goth, cybergoth and gothic lolita fashion

they call her bulldozer speech demon without distractions of hope. she makes the depression business look surprisingly novel and she’s not just royal, allegedly loyal, not unfaithful but she has no faith in me. inhale the damage smoothly; paradise isn’t lost, it was hiding all along. )
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