pbs by ariel - January 14th, 2013 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
pbs by ariel

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January 14th, 2013

+161 charlotte free [Jan. 14th, 2013|12:35 am]


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charlotte free.

as pixie from marvel's x-men

looks like i made these before i started using a new icon style so i'll probably go back and edit them.

i tell my love to wreck it all, cut out all the ropes and let me fall. right in the moment this order's tall. and i told you to be patient and i told you to be fine, and i told you to be balanced and i told you to be kind. in the morning i'll be with you, but it will be a different kind. i'll be holding all the tickets and you'll be owning all the fines. )
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+64 eva cheung [Jan. 14th, 2013|12:52 am]


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eva cheung.

as pixie from marvel's x-men

tear back the curtain, there's nothing to see inside. if you want your freedom, it’s your free will to hide. i sit there in the corner, hailing for a ride, staring out the window, wishing you could die. we're only waiting for someone else, we're only waiting for someone else to blame. i look at myself, i see nothing that i like. crowds don't make me happy, alone i don't feel right. so hold back the punches, there's no one left to fight. turn to look around you, there's no one by your side  )
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