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April 7th, 2008



rose suicide


Set: rose suicide : 317
Details: f:white:black:brown:20's; f:white:black:brown:10's; f:white:crazy:brown:10's, f:white:crazy:brown:20's
Link: LINK

Jessica Charlotte Poland


Set: Jessica Charlotte Poland : 26 Icons
Details: female : white : brown : brown : 20s
Character Suggestions: **
Link: LINK



Loretta Devine


Set: Loretta Devine : 60
Details: female : black : brown/red : brown : 40s-50s
Character Suggestions: Supernatural: Missouri Moseley
Link: Here!



Tyron Leitso


Set: Tyron Leitso : 184
Details: male : white : brown : 10s, 20s
Link: LINK



Tag Post 79


Female: Hispanic: Black: 30s

If you would like past icon sets to be searchable through the community's tags, please comment here with links to your relevant sets. Please combine all sets in the one comment. If you want to, you're welcome to include one icon per subject.



Amanda Bynes


Set: Amanda Bynes: 93
Details: female: white: brown: green: 10s
Link: LINK (f-locked. Add me and I'll add you back ASAP :] )



Brandon DiCamillo


Set: Brandon DiCamillo: 122 icons
Details: m: white: brown (balding): brown: 20s
Link: LINK