p a x
l e t a l e
At Pax Letale, an awakening has begun. As these gods rediscover themselves and each other, the seemingly invisible but ubiquitous management tracks each of them quite closely, and the very building itself seems to have an agenda of its own. And as the gods made humans in their own image - or humans made them in theirs - so will the the behavior of the people of Pax turn as dark as their deities. Blood, strife, sex, petty plots, torture - even murder will wind their ways into Pax Letale.

April 7th, 2017



503 to all

So are random presents just run-of-the-mill here, or is this a welcome gift, or did I miss a clause when I signed my contract? The albino stag's head is really beautiful and it's hanging above my fireplace, but that's a... weirdly in-tune kind of gift. Also really, really rare, so not one that I'm not totally sure I'm cool with. How many albino anythings are there in the world, seriously?

I mean, thank you. But also confusion. So.



108 to all

So this is how we introduce ourselves here? Alright I can dig it.

Hey, I'm Vinnie, I just moved into 108, and I own that old pickup outside. It has to stay parked for a while, so if I need to move it out of the way I will don't see how though, it's already pretty far from the building. Don't worry about any freaky flute music you might hear during the day, that's me practicing. I'll try to keep it for daylight hours, so if you hear it at night then you might wanna consider being freaked out because that's not me.

So, have a nice day, looking forward to meeting more of you.