Jan. 6th, 2010



Wondering if folks still watch this little community, hoping the answer is 'yes'. It's a small crowd, compared with LJ, but that's not necessarily a bad thing.

We're dealing with some age-related issues here, and I wanted to toss the question out to any who'd care to chew on it: If the body-age is greatly different from your own, how do you deal with it? And as the body ages and changes, how do those changes affect you and your system?

Our body is in peri-menopause, apparently; not a pleasant time of transition, but inevitable. Since our system is primarily male and under 40, there's a good deal of discomfort and distress over this. We've found some very effective remedies - Bach flowers and Sam-e - but we still have to deal with our own reactions to the changes. We're getting there, but I won't say it's been easy.

Anyone else dealing with difficult body changes?

Feb. 16th, 2009



We're posting a series of more in-depth questions on Multiple Monday adn thought the questions would work well here, so:

1) Name something that everyone knows about [insert body name here] that simply isn't true about all the front runners. How did this thing get to be "the truth" about [body name]? Is it something that matters to the front runners? Is it something that people would ever want to change?

Sep. 28th, 2008


Introducing us!

We're a manymany peopled plural group,w ith maybe 4 or 5 common fronters, but loads who can.
We are recently finding out that we're not just 15 people like we believed, but that there are two other groups out there that we didn't know existed, so we're in a state of flux.
Current people who can front:
(liable to change)

Aug. 12th, 2008


Pets and plurals

In our household, there are two multiples and five cats. The cats can tell who's out, and all of the cats actually have their favorites. The person doesn't even have to speak: as soon as they come out, the cat comes out of whatever hidey-hole they'd been snoozing in just to say hello.

Anyone else have this happen? If so, do you have any theories as to how, precisely, the animals know? Do the pets overhear mention of the name before the person comes out and react to that? Is it a shift in energy -- perhaps a high-strung animal being attracted to a calm person as opposed to an excitable one? Does it involve flying toasters -- telepathy, anyone?


(For the record and the curious: Wiley loves everyone, but especially loves the Turks; Sami is Cloud's cat but I think she likes Weiss more; Syrius adores Nero and Braden, while mocking the heck out of the Crawford contingent proper; though Herme is Kadaj's kitten he's really Yazuu's baby; and Beanie has completely claimed Yazuu as her person -- she calls him Ma-lau. Seriously.)

Jun. 9th, 2008


Intro Post

My name is Kristi and I’m a singlet friend. ^___^ Nice to meet you all.

I’m joining because discussions are a wonderful way to discover different viewpoints about similar situations.

I really hope to learn from everyone and to further understanding.


Introduction post

Hello all, or as our system's Oklahoma roots would put it, all y'all! A lot of you already know us, so I'll try not to go TLDR here. ^_^

First up, our group is the life-partner to [info]teamromy, but we're NOT a co-mod. Just so you know.

We're a fairly old system that grew from dozen+host into a sprawling inner realm with a high-tech zone and a more rustic, magic-fueled area. We still have the Original 13 as we call them, though the "host" turned out not to be any different from the others inside and ended up fragmenting into three separate people. Our Second Wave came from the magic area, sort of a D&D world if you will. They basically had the reins through the 1990's. After them, the so-called Anime Invasion came in to relieve the earlier ones who had pretty much gotten burned out on Outworld living. (We still call it the Anime Invasion even though it technically started with Sirius Black, but Attack of the Fictives sounds too much like a Lucasfilms project.) We were diagnosed multiple back in the 90's, wanted the confirmation to offset the negative reactions of our family, and self-identify as multiple-not-disordered. Feel free to check out our userpics to see who's most likely to post -- our front crew is pretty FFVII-heavy at this time due to ongoing Outworld stress and burnout.

We've joined this community in the hopes of finding a more complete picture of multiplicity: there has to be more to plurality than teenage angst and state-sanctioned diagnoses. We want to explore the joy of our unconventional circumstances and connect with others who see plurality not as a sentence, but as an adventure.


I'm Tian and I live in the Eridanus cluster. We used to be active on LiveJournal but that was about a year ago. Only one member has been active on InsaneJournal and she has her own journal so we finally got around to making a group journal.

I'm never sure what to say in these! We've been living together for quite a long time so our communication and co-operation are pretty good, but sometimes you just want to talk to people who know what you're talking about, you know?

Jun. 8th, 2008


Obligatory about us post

So, here we are. We've never been very good at writing these sorts of things. We are a household, group, plural, whatever name you want to give it. We have no idea how many people are in our group. We enjoy philosophical discussions about plurality and hearing about how other households operate which is partly why we run Multiple Monday. We hope to have some interesting discussions here and to meet other plurals who want to talk and listen.

We could run down a list of current frequent computer-using fronters, but we'll just let everyone introduced themselves as time goes along.

-Ned and Sarah (with quiet chiming in as well)


Welcome to Passel Pas

Hello and welcome.

I am Yazuu, your moderator for the Passal Pas asylum. Only this journal will be associated with modding this asylum. If others here join with their own journals, they will introduce themselves as separate entities and will only be associated with the mod as residents in the same group.

Passal Pas is my own little play on words. Passal meaning a multitude or large quantity and Pas meaning a step (also referred to in terms of dance). I see the way we live as sort of a dance of many. At times it is a clumsy little show of feet and at others it is an intricate ballet with tap dancing in the background.

This asylum is not designed to step on the toes of [info]multiplicity or any of the other wonderful community groups out there. We would like to have discussion on a deeper level on the wide variety of difficult topics instead of "I have a new person, how do I...?" questions or the "have you seen ...in LJ soulbonding?" topics. This is not to say that these questions are not welcome, but we would like to be able to touch on philosophy, death, aging, work/school-related problems, gender issues, dealing with biological family, etc.

We are hoping that this community brings in the thinkers, the philosophers and the questioners. We also hope that through discussion, we may be able to help each other live better, happier and more manageable lives.

Please remember to read and follow the asylum guidelines. Let the discussions begin.

January 2010



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