Partisan Green

The community for Snape/Draco shippers

Partisan Green


December 23rd, 2007

Exchange fic: Montalivet, NC-17

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Title: Montalivet

Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Snape/Draco
Disclaimer: All characters belong to JK Rowling. I just play with them.
Summary: Draco will find a way to slip past Snape's defenses, even if it takes years.
Author's/artist's notes: Thanks to P and S for the beta! I hope you enjoy this </a></strong></a>[info]nishizono!


September 4th, 2007

Fic: Of chess, wine, snuff-boxes and kisses -R

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Ok, this community is too empty: it’s time to start posting some fiction, perhaps!

Title: Of chess, wine, snuff-boxes and kisses
Pairing: Severus/Draco, of course, and minor Lucius/Narcissa, I suppose
Rating: R (or Pg-13?)
Word Count: about 2300

Summary: Chess, wine, snuff-boxes and kisses –and sex on a table. Set in “Alchemy of soul” (wip, prologue will be posted soon, I hope) universe. But this can stand alone

Disclaimer: I’m not J.K. Rowling but I’m quite happy with my life this way.

Warnings: Tons of inanities.  Sort of DH spoilers. References to previous use of necromancy. Written for the </a></strong></a>[info]bbtp_challenge

Beta: smilencheer 

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